Resolution: Low Engagement
When using Roadmaps in both Next-Gen and Classic Projects:
I want to see a breakdown of the user stories in which an epic splits in the Roadmap view
So that I am able to see how the work on the epic goes and what is development pending ...
Acceptance Criteria
- In the roadmap view, there will be an arrow to view or collapse all the US/Tasks from an epic.
- In the roadmap view, each US/Task should have its own dates (start date and due date) reflected in the roadmap (as a "Gantt project" would show)
- The user can drag the US/Task to a different order
- The US/Task should be ordered by start date as default order.
- A user can select a US/Task to edit or delete it
- is related to
JRACLOUD-91581 Date range for child issues on roadmap
- Closed
Hi everyone,
Thank you for bringing this suggestion to our attention.
As explained in our new features policy, there are many factors that influence our product roadmaps and determine the features we implement. When making decisions about what to prioritize and work on, we combine your feedback and suggestions with insights from our support teams, product analytics, research findings, and more. This information, combined with our medium- and long-term product and platform vision, determines what we implement and its priority order.
Unfortunately, as a result of inactivity (no votes or comments for an extended period of time), this suggestion didn’t make it to the roadmap and we are closing it.
While this issue has been closed, our Product Managers continue to look at requests in https://jira.atlassian.com as they develop their roadmap, including closed ones. In addition, if you feel like this suggestion is still important to your team please let us know by commenting on this ticket.
Thank you again for providing valuable feedback to our team!