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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-18178

Burndown chart does not reduce time remaining when logging hours in a transition screen if the workflow has a post-function to clear the time remaining after the transition


      Issue Summary

      If you have Time Estimation enabled, Burndown does not reduce the time remaining when logging hours in a transition screen if the workflow has a post-function to clear the time remaining after the transition. It logs the information that the issue had work logged but does not reduce from the total of time remaining. Therefore, the post-function clears the time remaining like if no time was logged.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a post-function that will clear the Time Remaining during a transition from status A to status B
      2. Add a screen to log hours during the transition from status A to status B
      3. Estimate the issue (I.e:. Time Remaining 30min)
      4. Transition an issue from status A to status B, the transition screen will open to log hours, add 5min and save
      5. The post-function will clear the time remaining
      6. Check the Burndown chart, it displays that time was logged (5m was logged, but time reduced does not change, it shows that time remaining was reduced from 30m to 30m)
      7. The post-function clears the time remaining and logs against the burndown chart (Time remaining changed from 30m to 0)

      Expected Results

      The Burndown should resolve the transition screen first and logs accordingly the time logged and then resolve the post-function

      Actual Results

      The Burndown does not resolve the transition screen, just log that time was changed but does not change in fact.


      Log time before doing the transition and skip the transition screen to avoid this bug.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            dbraun@atlassian.com Douglas B (Inactive)
            9 Vote for this issue
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