Resolution: Unresolved
All issues in the backlog have the same status as the first column on the board. This means that when looking at an issue via the issue view (say, via a search) it is impossible to tell if a "to do" issue is in the backlog or on the board. It's also impossible to move it onto the board from the issue view, or vice versa.
This leads to a cumbersome workflow when moving items back and forth between the board and the backlog. You have to find the issue via the board or backlog view and make the change there.
You should be able to see and change whether an issue is on the board or the backlog when viewing the issue directly.
- is duplicated by
JSWCLOUD-17445 As a user of Next-Gen Jira I want to see on issue detail in which sprint it is or if its in backlog
- Closed
- is related to
JRACLOUD-76793 Option to filter tickets by status in backlog
- Closed
JSWCLOUD-18760 JQL to list out the issue that are in board or in backlog for team-managed (formerly next-gen) project
- Closed
- relates to
JRACLOUD-87269 Ability to search / filter issues in a team-managed project depending on whether they are on board or backlog
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-85649 Move issues from backlog to the board (and vice-versa) from the issue view
- Future Consideration
- mentioned in
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