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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-17538

Some Epics are missing while selecting an Epic to add on a story


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Low Low
    • next-gen
    • None

      Issue Summary

      When the next-gen project has an elevated amount of Epics three issues happen:

      • Epics are not listed while adding a link on an issue
      • On Backlog, some issues with Epic link won't display the Epic label on the card
      • Boards grouped by Epics won't display all issues


      • Jira Software Cloud
      • Next-gen project with the Roadmap feature

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a plan with several Epics (tests performed with 100)
      2. Add issues to different Epics
        • Open an issue > click on the ... button > click on Add to Epic > search for random Epic
          • Some Epics won't be listed
        • Open the backlog, some issues will show the linked Epic label while on some issues the label will be missing
        • Group the board by Epic, some issues with an Epic will be missing

      Expected Results

      • Issues will show the Epic label on Backlog
      • All Epics will be listed on the dropdown while adding issues to Epic
      • All issues are listed on board whether they have an Epic link or not

      Actual Results

      • Issues don't have the Epic label on Backlog
      • On the dropdown where we select an Epic to be added to the issue, some Epics are not available
      • Some issues won't be displayed on board when grouping by Epic


      The 'Add to Epic' issue is intermittent, not occurring to specific Epics.


            ahuang@atlassian.com Alex Huang
            psilveira Paula Silveira
            9 Vote for this issue
            13 Start watching this issue
