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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-85686

Allow multiple boards in team-managed projects


    • 966
    • 114
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      Jira Software Cloud users would like the ability to create multiple boards for each team-managed (formerly next-gen) project, just as they can with company-managed (formerly Classic) projects.


      1. Use “dummy” inactive sprint containers in the team-managed backlog as placeholders for different types of work like “design”, “QA”, “eng health” and “feature work”. Pull issues into active sprint container representing the board when the work is prioritised and ready for sprint.
      2. Use different team-managed projects to represent different types of work, if the workstreams are totally distinct and separate, and doesn't require any form of "syncing".
      3. Use company-managed projects (but you will have to deal with project schemes for project setups).
      Atlassian status as of June 2022

      Hi everyone,

      We have an important message to share about the development of multiple boards for team-managed projects (TMP). We believe that it is important to be transparent with our priorities, and what features we are and aren’t working on.

      Unfortunately, we’ve decided to pause the multiple boards project as of May 2022. We are still committed to continuing investment in TMP, which you can see here in our public roadmap

      1. Over the past few months, we conducted an extensive review of the needs of all our customers and came to the conclusion that in order to double down on our efforts on scale, performance and reliability of our products, we had to pause work on multiple boards.
      1. In the meantime, if you need to have multiple boards in a single project and are unable to work with any potential workarounds listed in the description of this Jira ticket, we continue to recommend teams to use company-managed projects. We apologise for the inconvenience that this may cause you.

      This was an incredibly difficult decision for us to make. We know that so many of you have been eagerly awaiting this capability, and that this update will cause some frustration.

      The long term direction of TMP is still to support the needs of multiple teams working together, but it is our duty to look at our entire customer base and ensure we're investing in the areas that will bring the most value to the most customers.

      We plan to re-evaluate our roadmap and revisit this decision every year. We will share an update if anything changes. Do vote for this feature and watch it to be across any new updates.

      On behalf of the Atlassian team, we take your feedback seriously and understand both the frustration and the urgency.

      We’ve gone through all the feedback specified in this Jira ticket and identified feedback which represent separate feature suggestions. You can vote for these other feature suggestions below:

      1. Cross-project roadmaps and boards: Pull in epics or issues from other projects to display on your roadmap or board, in order to enable cross-team visibility for planning and tracking work:
      2. Multiple active sprints: Manage 2 or more concurrent active sprints:

      Thank you,
      Ivan Teong
      Product Manager, Jira Software

              iteong Ivan Teong (Inactive)
              1945adb2ed1f Alex F
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              639 Start watching this issue
