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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-86257

Sub-tasks created inside a custom standard issue type appear as 'issues without epic' when using swimlanes based on epics on a board


      Atlassian status as of Aug 2023

      Hello all,

      We've brought an enhanced board and backlog to Company-managed Projects which has resolved this bug https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-articles/Enhanced-Jira-board-and-backlog/ba-p/2331946

      Thank you,
      Eoin Ryan
      Product Manager

      Sub-tasks created inside a custom standard issue type appear as 'issues without epic' when using swimlanes based on epics on a board


      Steps to Reproduce

      1. create an epic and assign it to user1
      2. create a custom standard issue type inside the epic and assign it to user1
      3. create a sub-task inside the custom standard issue type and assign it to user2
      4. go to the project board and change its settings to show the issues using swimlanes based on epic
      5. go to the board and use the filter 'Assignee' and select the assignee of the sub-task (user2)

      Expected Results
      The sub-task will appear under the respective epic

      Actual Results
      The sub-task will appear at the end of the board as 'issues without epic'

      No workaround at the moment

              eryan Eoin
              msoliz@atlassian.com Mauricio S (Atlassian)
              239 Vote for this issue
              167 Start watching this issue
