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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-15970

Card layout not supporting narrow widths


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    • Severity 2 - Major
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      Atlassian Status as at January 2017

      An update is now available with improved support for cards rendered in narrow columns. This occurs for boards with a high number of columns and/or a narrow browser viewport. The update addresses rendering of all elements on the card including the visibility of the issue key.

      Atlassian Status as at January 2017 An update is now available with improved support for cards rendered in narrow columns. This occurs for boards with a high number of columns and/or a narrow browser viewport. The update addresses rendering of all elements on the card including the visibility of the issue key.

      Original summary – New card layout excessively wraps words

      Problem Definition

      The new card layout easily wraps word (much more than before) due to the font size, depending on how much columns you use on the kanban board. (print below).

      Suggested Solution

      Make the card layout display a more words while in normal zoom


      Zoom-out the page or have less columns on the board.

            mjopson Martin (Inactive)
            emasiero Eduardo Masiero
            1 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
