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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-14650

Jira - Show type of association in ticket's pull request list (PR title/branch/comments)


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • None
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      As a person preparing release on a multi-repository project looking at a ticket's Pull Request list
      I want be able to easily tell PRs that implement the fix (branch name or PR title contains the ticket) from other pull requests that merely mention the ticket
      So that I don't accidentally merge a PR that implements a different ticket

      As a developer collaborating on code in a multi-repository project
      I want be able to mention any ticket in my [PR description, commit message, comment] without worrying about causing mistakes during release
      So that I can share all the important information about tickets related to my change

      In our team the project spans a great many repositories. Because of that there is almost always 4~5 Pull Requests that a ticket introduces. So, a ticket's PR dialog is used as the authoritative information to tell which pull requests should be merged to release a the ticket's feature. Moreover, merges are done by the QA team which is not involved in details of the development.

      We could easily prevent a mistake of merging a wrong PR if the ones that are associated based on title texts (PR title/source branch) were made much more prominent than those associated on mentions in 'prose texts' (PR description, commit message, code review discussions, if ever implemented).

      Some implementation options:

      • Have a separate main list for when ticket occurs in branch name or PR title, and a separate 'Mentioned in' list with all the rest
        (This would be the preferred solution for teams like ours, because of the importance we attach to the main group.)
      • Add pictogram flags next to a PR that show the types of associations which were found

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              11fe80b80124 zlamma
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