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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-13810

Issues removed from active sprint are no longer shown in the Sprint Report or Burndown Chart


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Software Cloud. Using JIRA Software Server? See the corresponding bug report.


      Issues removed from an active sprint (either into a next planned sprint or backlog) do not appear under "Issues Removed from Sprint" in the Sprint Report and the Burndown Chart does not show Scope Change


      • JIRA v1000.35.2

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Sprint in a JIRA Software Project
      2. Add Issues to the Sprint
      3. Start Sprint
      4. Move issues from the Active Sprint into either another Planned Sprint or the Backlog
      5. View Sprint Report or Burndown Chart

      This is seen in instances with Parallel Sprints both enabled and disabled

      Expected Results

      Both the Sprint Report and Burndown Chart should show Scope Change where these issues are being removed.

      Actual Results

      No errors in the logs


      If the Moved Issues are re-added, the Burndown Chart shows scope change; the Sprint Report shows the Issues as Incomplete.



        1. 5.ReAddIssues.png
          114 kB
        2. 4.Burndown.png
          80 kB
        3. 3.SprintReport2.png
          69 kB
        4. 3.MovedIssue.png
          74 kB
        5. 2.SprintReport.png
          76 kB
        6. 1.IssuesInSprint.png
          71 kB

            hsu@atlassian.com Henry Su
            scranford Shawn C
            10 Vote for this issue
            17 Start watching this issue
