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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-11749

Inline issue creation should use the default type from the Issue Type Scheme


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      current behaviour
      1. Initially, the inline issue creation in Agile board backlog pre-selects the issue type based on the alphabetical order of available types.
      2. After a user changes the issue type and creates an issue with it, the new default type will be cached in their browser.
      3. The new default type is retained until an issue with a different type is created, or the user clears their browsing data.

      Example: in the applicable Issue Type Scheme, "Task" is the default type, but "Bug" is higher in the alphabetical order. In the inline issue creation, "Bug" will be the default issue type at first. If a user changes it and creates a "Task" though, it will be the default type from then on - until an issue of another type is created.


      Initially, the default type from the applicable Issue Type Scheme should be selected in inline issue creation. Afterwards, the type can be determined by previous usage the way it is now.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            dwierzbicka Dobroslawa Wierzbicka (Inactive)
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