Description of the BUG here:
Hours not summed up correctly:
Sprint Plan View: Here you can see how only "tasks" hours are summed up, "stories" hours or "new features" are not summed up (neither displayed).
Furthermore on the top of the page there are 3 hours values displayed for the sprint (not started, in progress & done)-> only "tasks" hours are summed up here.. so subtasks hours or other itmes are not displayed, which makes this totally incorrect!
[Not summing up stories(sub-tasks) time estimates: in sprint report, velocity chart & sprint plan mode view > sprint-plan.png]
Sprint Report:
Similar error applies here. "Story" (with their sub-taksk time values) or "New Features" (with their sub-tasks time estimates) are not summed up and displayed on the top. Neither are they displayed!
[Not summing up stories(sub-tasks) time estimates: in sprint report, velocity chart & sprint plan mode view > sprint-report.png]
Velocity Chart:
Similar problem here. "Stories".. with their subtasks time estimates & "New Featurues" between other are not summed up.(getting here 9h or 20h as total amount of hours in the sprint when it should be above 100h!)
This makes impossible to track the amount of hours delivered in a sprint! (big problem)
[Not summing up stories(sub-tasks) time estimates: in sprint report, velocity chart & sprint plan mode view > velocity.png]
Please, solve these features are not useful at all currently!
-Impossible to know total amount of hours delivered in every sprint.
-Neither being possible to follow amount of hours done in current sprint (incorrect sprint reports)
->SAME ERROR APPLIES TO "sprint health gadget" in Dashboard.. do not display correct amount of work done %
- duplicates
JRACLOUD-92573 Sum estimates from sub-tasks in user stories
- Closed
JSWCLOUD-13138 Sum estimates from sub-tasks in user stories
- Closed