• Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      When conducting an advanced search you cannot sort by the 'Epic Link' field.

      If an advanced search of the following occurs an error is received;
      project = projext xyz AND issuetype in (Theme, Story, Epic) AND component in (q, p , r) AND fixVersion = CodeNameRelease ORDER BY "Epic Link" DESC, status ASC

      Error received;
      Field 'Epic Link' does not support sorting.

      I have searched the support knowledge base and cannot find information on this. I would have imagined this would be a basic regular use case to allow searches for stories per Epic grouping.

            [JSWCLOUD-10130] Enable sorting by "Epic Link" field

            Mike Howells made changes -
            Workflow Original: JAC Suggestion Workflow JSWCLOUD [ 4099918 ] New: JAC Suggestion Workflow 3 [ 4372598 ]
            Owen made changes -
            Workflow Original: JAC Suggestion Workflow 3 [ 3699908 ] New: JAC Suggestion Workflow JSWCLOUD [ 4099918 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: JAC Suggestion Workflow [ 3471379 ] New: JAC Suggestion Workflow 3 [ 3699908 ]
            Status Original: RESOLVED [ 5 ] New: Closed [ 6 ]
            Monique Khairuliana (Inactive) made changes -
            Workflow Original: JIRA PM Feature Request Workflow v2 - TEMP [ 2316382 ] New: JAC Suggestion Workflow [ 3471379 ]
            Status Original: Closed [ 6 ] New: Resolved [ 5 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: JIRA PM Feature Request Workflow v2 [ 2037931 ] New: JIRA PM Feature Request Workflow v2 - TEMP [ 2316382 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: JIRA PM Feature Request Workflow v2 - TEMP [ 2026217 ] New: JIRA PM Feature Request Workflow v2 [ 2037931 ]
            Katherine Yabut made changes -
            Workflow Original: JIRA PM Feature Request Workflow v2 [ 1887702 ] New: JIRA PM Feature Request Workflow v2 - TEMP [ 2026217 ]
            vkharisma made changes -
            Project Import New: Sun Apr 02 01:01:23 UTC 2017 [ 1491094883663 ]
            Confluence Escalation Bot (Inactive) made changes -
            Labels Original: triaged New: affects-server triaged
            Pedro Souza made changes -
            Regular Expression New: (sort.epic|sorting backlog epic|sorting epic)

              Unassigned Unassigned
              john.garrett John Garrett
              57 Vote for this issue
              45 Start watching this issue
