Issue Summary
In Discovery tool, there is a Try VM Guest scan setting.
Discovery will attempt to scan from the VM host, which may be hosting many virtual machines. When you have installed VirtualGuests on Guest, Oracle Virtualbox knows the IP address of the guest system, so there is no need to configure the IP address of the Guest System in the scan settings, as Discovery gets that information from Hypervisor.
Checking this option, will treat VMs as if they were physical hosts and all related patterns (e.g. Windows, Linux) will be attempted while scanning them.
This does not occur for Oracle Virtualbox.
Command we used in the Windows_VBox_VMs.pat file does not check for a VM IP address.
VM IP addresses are NOT exposed and the "Try VM Guest scan" setting does not work for Oracle Virtualbox.
This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes)
Steps to Reproduce
- Have VMs configured in a Oracle Virtualbox (eg VM1, VM2)
- Set up the Discovery tool to scan a single IP of the Host running as Oracle Virtualbox
- In the Common Tab, Make sure to uncheck "Delete VM Guests" and check "Try VM Guest Scan"
- Execute a Scan
Expected Results
The Scan is imported, with 3 Hosts Created:
VBHost, VM1, VM2
Actual Results
Only the VBHost object is created.
Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available