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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-77316

Lack of context on soft launch for license health check causes confusion




      Issue Summary

      Introduced in ATST 1.53.2 are two new health checks that verify the license limits:

      1. {
        "id": 0,
        "isSoftLaunch": true,
        "isEnabled": true,
        "completeKey": "com.atlassian.troubleshooting.plugin-jira:jswLicenseUserLimitCheck",
        "name": "Jira Software license limit",
        "description": "Checks if your Jira Software instance is approaching the user limit for your license.",
        "isHealthy": true,
        "failureReason": "Your Jira Software instance has not reached its warning limit of 15% remaining seats.",
        "application": "JIRA",
        "time": 1707299470106,
        "severity": "undefined",
        "documentation": "https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/0wFaFg",
        "tag": "Administration",
        "additionalLinks": [],
        "softLaunch": true,
        "enabled": true,
        "healthy": true
      1. {
        "id": 0,
        "isSoftLaunch": true,
        "isEnabled": true,
        "completeKey": "com.atlassian.troubleshooting.plugin-jira:jsmLicenseUserLimitCheck",
        "name": "Jira Service Management license limit",
        "description": "Checks if your Jira Service Management instance is approaching the user limit for your license.",
        "isHealthy": false,
        "failureReason": "Your Jira Service Management instance has reached its warning limit of 15% remaining seats. To prevent your instance exceeding the user limit, you can:",
        "application": "JIRA",
        "time": 1707299470106,
        "severity": "warning",
        "documentation": "https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/0wFaFg",
        "tag": "Administration",
        "additionalLinks": [
        "displayName": "manage your licensed user count",
        "url": "https://jira.ahrt.hu/secure/admin/user/UserBrowser.jspa"

      They were developed and released following the ATST soft-launch process which involves creating a soft-launched health check, and waiting until Atlassian has collected enough data to ensure the health check is working correctly on customer instances.

      These health checks are reporting events in analytics and are therefore logged in application logs files. So in live instances, these logs look like this:

      1. 2024-01-29 15:10:21,132+0100 Caesium-1-2 WARN ServiceRunner     [c.a.t.healthcheck.concurrent.SupportHealthCheckProcess] Health check 'Jira Software license limit' failed with severity 'warning': 'Your Jira Software instance has reached its warning limit of 15% remaining seats. To prevent your instance exceeding the user limit, you can:'
      1. 2024-01-29 15:10:21,132+0100 Caesium-1-2 WARN ServiceRunner     [c.a.t.healthcheck.concurrent.SupportHealthCheckProcess] Health check 'Jira Service Management license limit' failed with severity 'warning': 'Your Jira Service Management instance has reached its warning limit of 15% remaining seats. To prevent your instance exceeding the user limit, you can:'

      Because they are not fully launched, can be safely ignored, however, it's not possible to know if they are soft launches or not unless you check them using the REST API.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: yes

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install Jira JSM > 8.20 and ATST 1.53.2.
      2. Apply for a commercial license and ensure the number of agents (Application Acess = Jira Service Management) is at least 50% of the total number available for your license
      1. Look for warning messages reported by `ServiceRunner` (every hour).

      Expected Results

      If it is a soft launch health check, make it clear to the customer that the health check is still experimental and there are no actions to be taken, for example `(Soft Launch - under development - IGNORE)` before the actual message:

      2024-01-29 17:10:20,658+0100 Caesium-1-4 WARN ServiceRunner     [c.a.t.healthcheck.concurrent.SupportHealthCheckProcess] Health check '(Soft Launch - under development - IGNORE) Jira Service Management license limit' failed with severity 'warning': 'Your Jira Service Management instance has reached its warning limit of 15% remaining seats. To prevent your instance exceeding the user limit, you can:'

      Actual Results

      With the current message, there is no disclaimer so the Jira Admin doesn't know if they need to take any action.

      The below exception is thrown in the `atlassian-jira.log` file:

      2024-01-29 17:10:20,658+0100 Caesium-1-4 WARN ServiceRunner     [c.a.t.healthcheck.concurrent.SupportHealthCheckProcess] Health check 'Jira Service Management license limit' failed with severity 'warning': 'Your Jira Service Management instance has reached its warning limit of 15% remaining seats. To prevent your instance exceeding the user limit, you can:'


      These two messages can be safely ignored.




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