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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-76094

The description of the 'jira.search.views.default.max' setting has a typo




      Issue Summary

      When accessing the Administration (⚙ icon) > System > Advanced Settings page on Jira, a typo can be seen in the description of jira.search.views.default.max

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. On Jira, go to Administration (⚙ icon) > System > Advanced Settings
      2. Search for "jira.search.views.default.max"

      Expected Results

      The following description should be displayed:

      The default maximum number of issues exported from search results. Users can override the default by changing the URL 'tempMax' parameter. This value must always be lower than or equal to the 'jira.search.views.max.limit' value. When set to '0' there is no default limit applied, but the value of 'jira.search.views.max.limit' still applies.

      Actual Results

      The description of that setting contains a typo (jira.serach.views.default.max):

      The default maximum number of issues exported from search results. Users can override the default by changing the URL 'tempMax' parameter. This value must always be lower than or equal to the 'jira.serach.views.max.limit' value. When set to '0' there is no default limit applied, but the value of 'jira.search.views.max.limit' still applies.


      The incorrect description can be corrected with the following steps:

      1. Access the $JIRA_INSTALL/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/jpm.xml file from each node
      2. Find the following line:
        <description>The default maximum number of issues exported from search results. Users can override the default by changing the URL 'tempMax' parameter. This value must always be lower than or equal to the 'jira.serach.views.max.limit' value. When set to '0' there is no default limit applied, but the value of 'jira.search.views.max.limit' still applies.</description>
      3. Replace jira.serach.views.max.limit with jira.search.views.max.limit:
        <description>The default maximum number of issues exported from search results. Users can override the default by changing the URL 'tempMax' parameter. This value must always be lower than or equal to the 'jira.search.views.max.limit' value. When set to '0' there is no default limit applied, but the value of 'jira.search.views.max.limit' still applies.</description>
      4. Restart each node to apply the changes


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              rrosa@atlassian.com Rodrigo Rosa
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