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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-76077

Kanban board: sorting the comments does not give feedback to screen reader user.


      Issue Summary

      Kanban board, sorting the comments does not give feedback to screen reader user.

      Note: This issue is also available on the issue page.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to kanban board.
      2. Click on any issue & open detailed view.
      3. Navigate to the comments section & click on "Newest first" or "Oldest First" button.
      4. Observe that the comments are sorted but screen reader does not give any feedback.

      Actual Results

      In comments section, when screen reader user activates the "Newest first' or "Oldest first" button the comments are sorted but screen reader doesn’t provide any feedback about the update. 

      Also the button label does not communicate the action it will perform. 

      For Example: "Newest first" button sorts the comments with oldest first & vice versa.

      This makes screen reader user difficult to understand the update effectively.

      Screen recording

      Screen Recording 2023-07-19 at 5.08.23 PM.mov

      Expected Results

      As soon as user activates the sort button a feedback message should be announced by the screen reader. 

      The feedback message should have role="status" so it is announced by screen reader. It can be made off-screen with CSS.

      For Example: <span role="status">Showing oldest comments first</span>

      Note: Here we also might have to update the visual label of the buttons since they don’t convey the action appropriately. Instead the visual label conveys the current order of sorting.

      For Example: when user click "Oldest comments" button the comments are sorted newest first & when user click "Newest comments" button the comments are sorted newest first.

      So here we should provide the current sort order in text, such as "Showing newest first" & update the label of button to "sort comments"


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            4e432536cf93 Karol Skwierawski
            4b5b126a48d0 ssuryavanshi
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