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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-76017

The Basic Issue Search for Select Custom fields display up to 100 items on the list without warning to show more items


      Issue Summary

      Jira 9.2 introduced Performance improvement to the dropdown menus in the app.
      Instead of initially loading all the available items for a particular picker, it now only displays 100 items on the list.
      When the picker is the field version, at the end of the dropdown list, we can observe a warning message like "7 more options. Continue typing to refine further".
      However, when the field is a Custom field 'Select list (Single Choice)' or 'Select list (Multiple choices)', the list is truncated without any warning.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes) / (no)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a custom field "Sel1" using 'Select list (Multiple choices)' (could be also Single choice);
      2. Add the new field to your projects and screens;
      3. Add more than 100 options to the list;
      4. Navigate to the Issue Search and use the Basic View;
      5. Expand the "more" menu and Select the field "Sel1";
      6. Scroll down the "Sel1" up to the bottom;

      Expected Results

      Warning that the list was not complete

      Actual Results

      The list is not complete, no warning advising that it was truncated


      • It is not possible to disable the new Picker;
      • User needs to type to refine the search or use the Advanced Search, manually typing the option.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            imurakami@atlassian.com Murakami
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