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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-76006

The table option modal overlay is covering the first 2 rows of a table in the description field when the table is added to the description as a preset value in the system field context.


      Issue Summary

      The table option modal overlay is covering the first 2 rows of a table in the description field when the table is added to the description as a preset value in the system field context.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes)

      This behavior does not occur if a user manually adds a table to the description field when creating a ticket.

      This also is only occurring on the "Create Issue" screen. When editing the description, containing a table, on an existing ticket the table options overlay "floats" on the screen as you scroll.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to Jira Administration > Issues > System fields > and select "Contexts and default values" in the "Actions" menu.
      2. Navigate to Actions > "Edit" > Add a table to the "Default value" section > Select "Edit" to save your changes. Additionally, you will want to "Apply context for" the applicable issue types and projects. In our testing, we added a table with 2 columns and 11 rows for all issue types and projects.
      3. Create a new issue and click on the table in the description field to update the values.

      Expected Results

      The user should be able to edit any of the fields in the table without the table options menu obstructing their view.

      Actual Results

      The first 2 rows, including the column headers, are being covered up by the table options overlay. Scrolling up or down on the create issue screen does not change the position of the table options overlay as it is permanently positioned over the top 2 rows of the table until you click off of the table to end editing it. Once the table is selected again the overlay re-appears in the same position.

      This same functionality has been tested in Jira 9.8.1 and it has been found that the table option overlay moves around on the create issue screen but it does not stay at the bottom of the table as expected.


      When adding the default value to the Description field context if you add an empty line below the table it will allow for the table options overlay to appear at the bottom of the table as expected In Jira 8.20.8 but this does not adjust the behavior in Jira 9.8.1 as the location of the table option menu remains irratic

            Unassigned Unassigned
            44f973aba2e6 David McCoy
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