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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-75334

Viewing an Issue: Definition list used inappropriately


      Issue Summary

      Defination list mark-up has been used inappropriately for the content present under "People" and "Dates" expandable section.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to "Issues" dropdown and activate it.
      2. Select any issue from "Recent Issues" section.
      3. Observe that "Viewing an Issue" page has been appeared on the page.
      4. Navigate to the "People' and "Dates" section.
      5. Using JAWS, navigate the content present below it and observe that defination list has been used inappropriately.


      Actual Results

      The text such as "Assignee", "Admin Admin", "People" and so on is marked up as defination list inappropriately. As a result, screen reader users found it difficult to understand the content structure.

      Expected Results

      Use appropriate list mark-up, such as <ul> and <li> to identify related information. In addition, if required apply styles to maintain the visual presentation of the web page.

      Code Snippet

      <ul class="item-details people-details" id="peopledetails">                       
      <span title="Assignee">
      <label for="assignee-field">Assignee:</label>
      <span class="aui-avatar-inner"><img src="https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/dac3582b036e18b911d98494b925c9b7?d=mm&amp;s=24" loading="lazy" alt="admin" aria-describedby="aui-tooltip"></span>


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            a5c3cff19897 Yurii Yatskiv
            c3f9a46dc7c4 Varsha Bansode
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
