Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Data Center'
  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-75216

Find an issue : Text gets cut off


      Issue Summary

      On “Find an issue ” page, the text gets cut off when users try to access the page with text spacing styles turned on.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to “Projects” menu pop-up link and activate it.
      2. Navigate to “View all project” link and activate it
      3. Navigate to "kanban" link present in data table and activate it.
      4. Navigate to "View all issues and filter" link and activate it.
      5. Apply text spacing and observe that text gets cut off.

      Actual Result

      When low vision users access the page with text spacing styles turned on, following issues were found →

      1. The options text such as “Selected for development”, “Jira-servicedesk-users”, and so on gets cuts off that become available on activating “Status all” and “Assignee all” button.
      2. The link text such as "Order by priority" gets cuts off.

      As a result, low-vision user users will miss out on this content/essential information if it is not available.

      Expected Result

      Ensure that there is no loss of content when text spacing is increased.

      Review the CSS for the positioning and size of the relevant element. Content container dimensions should be declared in relative units so they can stretch and scale along with increases in text spacing.




      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available


      MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020)
      macOs Ventura  13.3.1
      Chrome - Version 108.0.5359.124 (Official Build) (64-bit)
      Firefox- Version 92.0 (64-bit)
      Safari- Version 16.2 (18614.
      JAWS- Version 2021
      NVDA- Version 2021.2
      Voiceover - Version Latest

            67dd240e0477 Andrii Lymych (Inactive)
            c1baca6cb430 Sameer Shaikh
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
