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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-74791

When a Custom Field rendering fails, Jira's error message is not correct xml


      Issue Summary

      When a Custom Field rendering fails during the XML export, Jira's error message is not correct in the XML format. This occurs with one of the third-party plugins, but, the rendering is done by the Jira application.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: Yes

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install the Jira 8.20.10 version and set it up
      2. Create a project and a couple of issues
      3. Install the plugin attached to this case
      4. Create a custom field "Admin Editable Text Field" and associate it with issues created. Update the values.
      5. Under the issue search switch to List View and select this custom field
      6. Try to export with XML view

      Expected Results

      It is expected to show an XML view without any error with the <p> </p> tag

      Actual Results

      XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </p>.
      Location: http://localhost:42010/j82010/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequest-xml/temp/SearchRequest.xml?jqlQuery=&tempMax=1000
      Line Number 507, Column 155:
      <div class="aui-message aui-message-error"><p>Error rendering 'admintextfield'. Please contact your Jira administrators.<p/></div>


      1. Apply the following change on each node of you Data Center cluster.
        1. Edit the below file.
        2. Search for modulewebcomponent.exception as below.
          modulewebcomponent.exception = <div class="aui-message aui-message-error"><p>Error rendering ''{0}''. Please contact your Jira administrators.<p/></div>
        3. Replace the <p/> with </p> and save the file.
      2. Restart Jira as detailed in How to clear Jira's plugin cache.

            mkarlsson Magnus Karlsson
            f956e0e022e9 skavatekar
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