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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-74309

Jira will not index development related information created prior to the app link setup


      Issue Summary

      JQL offers the ability to use the number of commits/PRs an issue has as criteria for advanced searches. See the example below

      development[commits].all > 1
      • Issues that contain more than 1 commit

      Currently Jira is only able to index the development field taking only new commits and PRs that were created after the application link has been setup (e.g. app link with Bitbucket Server), or when you open issues that contain such information.

      That behaviour causes inconsistencies in the results. For example:

      • Issues that have commits will be returned when searching for development[commits].all = 0
      • Once you open that issue and load the development panel Jira will index it correctly though. That issue will not be displayed in the results anymore (of the query used as example)

      The same behaviour happens to migration from Server to Cloud.

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Have a Jira Server instance linked with BB or Fisheye/Crucible Server through app link
      • Make sure there are issues that contain commits
      • Migrate from the Jira server to another Jira server instance in a way that such data is also migrated.
      • The application link to BB Server would likely be migrated as well. Delete it on the second Jira instance in order to reproduce the issue (it will be manually recreated later).
      • Create new commits related to one of the issues on the first instance (in my example TSP-13).
      • On the first Jira instance, run an issue search to export the issues with new commits (in my case I exported one issue using the JQL "issuekey=TSP-13" to reproduce)
      • On the second Jira instance:
        • Under "Issues > Import issues from CSV", import the issue TSP-13 that you exported in the previous step.
        • Do not open the imported issue in issue view mode.
        • Create the app link to the BB server. In this way, the new commits are created prior to the app link on the second instance.
        • Perform the following search. You will see the issue TSP-13 although it should have many commits imported with the csv file.
          development[commits].all = 0
        • Run a project re-index, or a full-reindex, then run the same search again. You will see that the issue is not fixed.
        • Open the issue TSP-13 in view mode.
        • Run the search again. The issue is fixed now.

      Expected Results

      The issues that contain commits will not be returned by that query.

      Actual Results

      Those issues will still be displayed in the results until you open them and load the dev panel information. Jira will then index that information correctly.

      Video recording: Screen Recording 2022-09-19 at 11.59.01.mov


      Perform a full reindex after recreating the application links to ensure the issue index is synced.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mdhahak@atlassian.com Meriem Dhahak
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