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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-74270

Unable to calculate missing data in index when getting last issue update time returns null


      Issue Summary

      This is reproducible on Data Center: yes

      Steps to Reproduce

      Reproduces on instances with "Disable empty JQL queries" set to 'ON'.

      See here for details on this setting.

      Expected Results

      When Jira tries to update the index with missing data it compares the last issue update time in the local index to the last update time in the issue version table. 

      When Jira contains an uncorrupted index (local index during start-up time or index restored from snapshot) it should be able to successfully calculate the missing time range and update the local index.

      INFO Re-indexing issues updated in the last [time-range]. (Note: it's an intentionally wider range)

      Actual Results

      The below warn message is logged in atlassian-jira.log file:

      WARN [INDEX-FIXER] Could not calculate the duration of time where index recovery/catchup needs to be applied!
      WARN [INDEX-FIXER] The duration of time where indices will be missing could not be calculated.  Any changes to issues made after the index being restored will not be added to the new index! You can run a background reindex to add missing issue changes to the index. 


      In recent case with Jira 9.2 we see the problem in logging, as last index date is retrieved as NULL:

      2022-09-09 12:18:03,093+0800 main INFO      [c.a.j.issue.index.DefaultIndexManager] Index consistency check finished. indexConsistent: true; timeToCheckIndexConsistency: 3924 ms
      2022-09-09 12:18:09,344+0800 main ERROR      [c.a.jira.cluster.DefaultClusterManager] Current node: jira-node1. Unable to get latest issue index update time.
      2022-09-09 12:18:40,287+0800 main INFO      [c.a.j.index.ha.DefaultIndexRecoveryManager] [INDEX-FIXER] Restoring index with 1128047 issues
      2022-09-09 12:18:40,298+0800 main INFO      [c.a.j.index.ha.DefaultIndexRecoveryManager] [INDEX-FIXER] Restoring search indexes - 1% complete... [INDEX-FIXER] Replacing indexes


      Temporarily set "Disable empty JQL queries" option to 'OFF' when starting nodes in affected cluster.

      Notes regarding the fix

      This issue initially had 8.20.14 listed as the fixed version but open further investigation we discovered this issue was only fully fixed on 8.20.16 - some of the areas where the old code was used had not been fixed on 8.20.14.

      For this reason, I'm updating the fixed version of 8.20 release to 8.20.16 but you're likely to already see improvement on 8.20.14 and 8.20.15 since there's a partial fix. This does not apply to 9.3.0 and newer which already have the full fix.

            jreczycki Jakub Reczycki
            mswinarski Maciej Swinarski (Inactive)
            2 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
