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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-7426

Improved IssueNavigator Display, Print and Column Customization


    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      It is very important for my group to be able to Print nicely formatted listings of bugs. It is vital that I am able to print out just the right detail of information for product planning purposes. Here are my problems:

      1. I am unable to create multiple saved column customizations. For instance, when printing I often want more detail displayed than when I'm simply reviewing the bugs online. Also, some meetings require certain columns, such as reporter, while others don't. I want to be able to easily switch between configurations of displayed columns.

      2. It's often difficult to display enough information about a issue on a single row of output. This is especially true when printing. My ideal preference is to be able to display two or three rows of data per issue. This is detailed enough to be useful, but small enough to have the issue list be useful as a summary (printing a full page per issue is way too much paper to get a high level overview).

      3. An alternative to #2 would be landscape mode printing, instead of portrait mode. Even if I set my browser to use landscape mode, the page has already been unescessarily limited when viewing the "Printable" format. This alternative, while perhaps easier for you guys to implement, would not be as useful to me as #2.

      3. Formatting for "Printable" should be better. First, there is already too much wasted space. The header consists of about 20% of the first page, and is almost entirely useless. A simple concise summary of the filter used should be provided, and would only take of 1% of the page. Additionally, PDF output should be supported. I love PDF output in Confluence, why doesn't JIRA have it?

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            e43cec3d178b Zach Garner
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