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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-7399

Email subject formatting


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Duplicate
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    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      Currently the format of the subject line is:
      [JIRA] (JRA-12314) The summary of the issue

      For readibility reasons, we manually change the source code and drop the wrapping parenthases. Eg:
      [JIRA] JRA-12314 The summary of the issue

      For many of our staff, and our external clients, this minor changes makes it easier for them to scan large volumes of email.
      Can we either integrate this change, or make the subject line customizable (Currently you can set the prefix, what if instead you could set the whole subject format. eg: "[JIRA] %KEY% %Subject%"?) As you can imagine, it is somewhat annoying to have to constantly modify the source and recompile after every upgrade.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              colinbendell Colin Bendell
              10 Vote for this issue
              10 Start watching this issue
