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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-73755

Accessibility - Keyboard users can not access the global issue nav sidebar when it's undocked/collapsed


      Issue Summary

      1. When using keyboard, it is not possible to reach the global issue nav sidebar when collapsed /undocked (getting skipped)
      2. When global issue nav sidebar is open/docked, it shows tooltip as - Undock the filter panel so it is hidden when not being focused (Type '[') When using screen reader, it doesn't reads out the keyboard shortcut info in this case (Type '[' )
        reads it as blank instead of square bracket.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Go to Search for Issues page
      2. Collapse the issue nav sidebar
      3. Using only the keyboard, press <tab> until the focus is on the sidebar

      Expected Results

      1. Able to reach/navigate to sidebar & hit <enter> to open/dock the sidebar
      2. Screen reader in both dock/undock state- should read the tooltip with keyboard shortcut info 

      Actual Results

      • We can not access the global issue nav sidebar when collapsed using the keyboard


      Should know the keyboard shortcut (pressing [)

            Unassigned Unassigned
            a086b578588b Shruti Holennavar (Inactive)
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            1 Start watching this issue
