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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-73655

Content Delivery Network system menu is missing in the System settings


      Issue Summary

      This is reproducible on Data Center: yes
      While navigation to the System configuration to on/off/change CDN configuration - Content Delivery Network menu item is missing.

      REST endpoint may be affected too, as it is not possible to enable CDN via the request.

      It is a regression from 8.20.6 and 8.22.0

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Login as Admin to the Jira.
      2. Go to the System menu.
      3. Search using . menu of directly in the menu items.
      4. Try to enable CDN via the REST (see workaround section).

      Expected Results

      Content Delivery Network section is there, it is possible to change CDN configuration.

      It is possible to perform all operations via the REST - view config/disable/enable.

      Actual Results

      The content Delivery Network option is missing, it is not possible to see/edit the configuration via the UI.

      It is possible only to view config/disable via REST. Enable is not working.



      There is a potential workaround to see/disable/enable CDN via the REST endpoint. See Configure your CDN for Jira Data Center for the Configure CDN in Jira via REST API section.

      Enable of the CDN is not working. Example of the request

      curl -X PUT -d '{“enabled”: true, “url”: “https://<CDN url>”}' https://<jira_url>/rest/static-asset-caching/configuration -u admin:<admin_password>


        1. issue_is_present.png
          16 kB
        2. previous_versions.png
          122 kB

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            oltkachenko Oleksandr Tkachenko
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