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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-73452

System Dashboard page : Dynamic update on page is not notified by screen reader when user activates "Expand", "Minimize" link



    Issue Description

    On "System Dashboard" page when screen reader user activates "Expand", "Minimize", "Refresh" links(that becomes available when user activates "Expand" toggle button), content gets updated on page which is not notified by screen reader. 


    1. Turn on screen reader and navigate to "Dashboards" link present in header region.
    2. Navigate to "View System Dashboard" menu item and activate it.
    3. Navigate to "Expand" toggle button and activate it.
    4. Navigate to "Expand" link and activate it. Observe content gets updated on page but not notified by screen reader.
    5. Follow step 4 and after that navigate to "Minimize" link, activate it. Observe content gets minimize but not notified by screen reader.
    6. Follow step 4 and after that navigate to "Refresh" link, activate it. Observe content gets minimize but not notified by screen reader.

    Note : There are 3 instances of "Expand", "Minimize" links on "System Dashboard" page

    Actual Behaviour

    The content on page gets updated when user activates “Expand”, “Minimize”, “Refresh” links (which becomes available when user activates “Expand” toggle button) which is not notified by screen reader. As a result it will be very confusing experience for screen reader users.

    Expected Behaviour

    The dynamic updates that happens on page when user activates “Minimize”, “Expand”, “Refresh” links should be notified by screen reader. Live regions can be used to achieve this behaviour.

    Example : When screen reader user activates "Minimize" link from "Introduction" section there should be announcement text made by screen reader such as "Content in Introduction section minimized" etc. Similarly when user activates "Maximize" and "Refresh" links, it should announced as "Content in <section name> maximized", "Content in <section name> refreshed" appropriately.

    Provide empty <div> with aria-live="polite" and when the content gets expanded/collapse/refresh by activating "maximize", "minimize" and "refresh" links via javascript populate the aria-live div with announcement text.

    Note : Please approve announcement text from content designer team or take a sugesstion from them before implementing it.




    Screen Recording


    AXQA Ref:AXQA-190


      1. Screenshot 2022-03-24 at 2.58.47 PM.png
        323 kB
        Aarti Thombare
      2. Screenshot 2022-03-24 at 2.58.10 PM.png
        315 kB
        Aarti Thombare
      3. Screenshot 2022-03-24 at 2.57.38 PM.png
        316 kB
        Aarti Thombare
      4. Screenshot 2022-03-24 at 2.57.03 PM.png
        383 kB
        Aarti Thombare

      Issue Links



            a9b4be88bb25 Serhii Starovoit
            12b69dcabe29 Matthew Brennan
            1 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue

