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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-73408

View Issue : User profile popup is not accessible for Keyboard & screen reader users.


      Issue Summary

      On issue view page, the user profile popup contents which appears when user hover mouse over the elements such as "Assignee", "Reporter", etc are not accessible for keyboard & screen reader users.

      Note: Similar issue was observed on following pages.

      • Kanban board

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to Jira Dashboard page.
      2. Navigate to the "Projects" menu button in header section.
      3. Navigate to any project from the menu. For Example : "Test-1"
      4. Navigate to "Kanban board" page from left Navigation.
      5. Navigate to any issue link in main content area. For Example : "T1-1"
      6. Navigate to Assignee or Reporter elements.

      Actual Results

      While navigating with Keyboard and screen reader, when user navigate to the Assignee or Reporter elements, the contents of user profile popup don’t receive Keyboard focus & also screen reader doesn’t announce the contents.

      Currently the popup is displayed only when user hover the mouse over the Assignee or Reporter elements.

      The popup container is missing required ARIA attributes such as role, name etc. Also the popup code is present at the end of the DOM incorrectly.

      Expected Results

      The user profile popup should be accessible with keyboard & screen reader. 

      Apply following fixes in the source code.

      • Provide ARIA role="dialog" to the dialog container.
      • Provide an aria-labelledby attribute to the dialog container and refer to the visual heading i.e. user name. For Example : "Admin".
      • Place the code of popup container right after the code of triggering elements such as Assignee or Reporter elements.

      Following should be the Keyboard interaction.

      • When Assignee or Reporter buttons receive keyboard focus, the popup should be displayed.
      • Pressing tab key the focus should go inside the contents of popup.
      • Pressing ESC key should dismiss the popup & focus should set back to the triggering element.

      Refer to the following link to read more about Non-modal dialog (popup) implementation as per Atlassian Accessibility Standards



      Issue view page


      Kanban board page


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

      Bug Ref: 725916

        1. Screenshot 2022-03-29 at 5.32.24 PM.png
          589 kB
        2. Screenshot 2022-03-29 at 6.11.22 PM.png
          614 kB

            a955dc6cda19 Oleksandr Stoliar
            12b69dcabe29 Matthew Brennan
            1 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
