Resolution: Fixed
High (View bug fix roadmap)
Severity 1 - Critical
Issue Summary
Jira Data Center 8.14.0 introduces this new functionality, so that e-mail templates are stored at Jira's Shared Home folder.
On environments using Windows, the path to the Shared home will be specified like \\path\to\shared_home and Jira tries to complete the path to the e-mail templates using '/' instead, so it is unable to find the files there.
Steps to Reproduce
- Install Jira Data Center 8.14.0
- Create an e-mail subscription for a filter
- Wait until it's triggered
Expected Results
Jira will successfully send the subscription notification
Actual Results
Jira will send the notification with a "Could not locate resource" text.
At the application logs, Jira will throw a warning stating that the required template was not found:
com.atlassian.cache.CacheException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Couldn't load template! templateFile: templates/email/subject/filtersubscription.vm
Disable new functionality:
- Edit the file <JIRA_INSTALLATION_FOLDER>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/jira-features.properties
- Look for the setting called com.atlassian.jira.email.templates.readFromJiraHome and set it to false, as shown below:
- Save the change made to this file
- Restart Jira
- Jira will use bundled templates instead of custom ones from <Shared_Home>
- is caused by
JRASERVER-7266 Create an Email Template Editor in the UI to Replace Editing Velocity Templates
- Closed
- mentioned in
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- relates to
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As christian.patterer1842563946 already mentioned, it's possible to disable custom email templates feature and restart Jira and then Jira will fallback to using bundled templates. Apologies for the issue, we're on it