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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-71855

Health check Failure on LDAP Authentication


      Issue Summary

      While running the health check report ⚙ > System > Troubleshooting and Support Tools, the LDAP Authentication is failing with the below error. Even though if we provide the correct user details:

      Name: LDAP Authentication
      Is healthy: false
      Failure reason: The credentials provided were rejected by the LDAP server (GEW AD Directory). Reason: jira.healthcheck.directory.ldap.authentication.error.57 (Error 49, data 57).
      Severity: MAJOR

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Step 1 Instal Jira 8.14.0
      2. Step 2 Configure a new User directory under ⚙️→ User Management → User Directories.
      3. Step 3 Test the login details.

      4. Step 4 Run the heath check report: ⚙️→ User Management → Troubleshooting and Support Tools
      5. Step 5 LDAP Authentication error is shown as below

      Expected Results

      As the configuration is correct, the health check report should pass and shouldn’t pop the error message.

      Actual Results

      LDAP Authentication error

      Name: LDAP Authentication
      Is healthy: false
      Failure reason: The credentials provided were rejected by the LDAP server (GEW AD Directory). Reason: jira.healthcheck.directory.ldap.authentication.error.57 (Error 49, data 57).
      Severity: MAJOR


      Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available


      The same LDAP configuration is working fine on the lower Jira version and the health check report is passed.

        1. Screenshot 2020-11-26 at 5.35.28 PM.png
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          Naveen Ravi
        2. Screenshot 2020-11-26 at 5.50.48 PM.png
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          Naveen Ravi
        3. Screenshot 2020-11-26 at 5.51.29 PM.png
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          Naveen Ravi
        4. Screenshot 2020-11-26 at 6.14.11 PM.png
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          Naveen Ravi

              pprzytarski Pawel Przytarski
              nravi@atlassian.com Naveen Ravi
              37 Vote for this issue
              59 Start watching this issue
