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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-71847

Issue Type Screen Scheme Cache does not reflect correctly on all node after being changed

      Issue Summary

      Issue Type Screen Scheme does not reflect correctly on all node after the scheme is updated. The node who make the change contains the correct value, and even though the other nodes receive cache invalidation message, they display the incorrect previous value.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Setup a 2 node DC cluster (I used Jira 8.5.8)
      2. Create a blank SCRUM project. This will create an issue type scheme: KEY: Scrum Issue Type Screen Scheme, with two issue type defined within: Default, and Bug
      3. You can setup TRACE logging on com.atlassian.jira.cluster.distribution.localq, com.atlassian.jira.cluster.distribution.localq.LocalQCacheManager, com.atlassian.jira.cluster.distribution.localq.LocalQCacheReplicator, net.sf.ehcache.distribution , and/or enable SQL log if you wish to review log as shared in the [Expected Results] section below
      4. Setup two browsers, and log in one browser to node 1, the other to node 2.
      5. Open Network Tools on each, then visit Network Tab and choose Disable cache, so that we always get the fresh page from the server
      6. Edit the Issue Type Screen Scheme, EG, http://NODE/secure/admin/ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme.jspa?id=10000 on each browser
      7. On node1, edit "Bug" to be the KEY: Scrum Default Screen Scheme
      8. Refresh page of node 1
      9. Refresh page of node 2
      10. Note that both nodes show the correct values
      11. Now on node 2, edit "Bug" to be the KEY: Scrum Bug Screen Scheme
      12. Refresh Node 1
      13. Note that Node 1 incorrectly shows KEY: Scrum Default Screen Scheme
      14. You can now refresh node 1 and node 2 as much as you want and the incorrect value will stick on Node 1

      You do not have to switch change from Node 1, to Node 2. Even two sequential change on Node 1 will cause the bug, provided that the ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme is accessed on a different node in between changes

      This is on an individual ITS Scheme basis. IE, if you change a scheme once, then change a different scheme once, both changes will apply to all nodes

      This can be triggered with just a single change to the Issue Type Screen Scheme. The reproduction steps show multiple changes because this was the most reliable path to replicate the problem.

      Expected Results

      Both node 1 and node 2 show the same Screen Scheme configuration. In our test:

      • Default = KEY: Scrum Default Screen Scheme
      • Issue Type Bug = KEY: Scrum Bug Screen Scheme

      When creating a new issue of type Bug in the relevant project, the fields shown are that of the scheme that was set. IE: Issue Type Bug will get fields for screen in KEY: Scrum Bug Screen Scheme

      Actual Results

      Node 1 incorrectly shows KEY: Scrum Default Screen Scheme.

      When creating a new issue of type Bug in the relevant project, the fields shown are that of the incorrect Key: Scrum Default Screen Scheme

      Cache Log: Node 1

      Cache replication completes for the update on node1 - Done replicating cache to queues

      Cache replication message is received fastly for the update on node2: RMICachePeer for cache com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.screen.issuetype.DefaultIssueTypeScreenSchemeManager.schemeCache: remote remove received for key

      tail -f atlassian-jira.log | grep -E "Done replicating cache to queues: com\.atlassian\.jira\.issue\.fields\.screen\.issuetype\.DefaultIssueTypeScreenSchemeManager\.schemeCache|remote remove received for key" 
      Click Edit on Node 1
      Update to ASDF Scrum Default Screen Scheme on Node1....
      2020-11-24 03:23:39,515+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-8 TRACE admin 203x6873x1 g8fvop /secure/admin/EditIssueTypeScreenSchemeEntity.jspa [c.a.j.c.distribution.localq.LocalQCacheReplicator] Done replicating cache to queues: com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.screen.issuetype.DefaultIssueTypeScreenSchemeManager.schemeCache, operation: REMOVE, key: 10000, numberOfQueues: 1, timeMillis: 5, stacktrace: java.lang.Throwable
      Refresh Node 1....
      Refresh Node 2....
      Result: Node 2 matches Node1  
      Edit Node 2... 
      Set to Scrum bug screeen scheme on Node 2
      2020-11-24 03:25:45,076+0000 RMI TCP Connection(1971)- DEBUG      [n.s.ehcache.distribution.RMICachePeer] RMICachePeer for cache com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.screen.issuetype.DefaultIssueTypeScreenSchemeManager.schemeCache: remote remove received for key: 10001
      Refresh node 1
      Result = Node 1 shows incorrect "Scrum Default Screen Scheme". Node 2 shows correct Scrum Bug Screen Scheme

      Cache Log: Node2

      Cache replication message is received fastly for the update on node1: RMICachePeer for cache com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.screen.issuetype.DefaultIssueTypeScreenSchemeManager.schemeCache: remote remove received for key .

      Cache replication completes for the update on Node 2: replication completes for the update on node1 - Done replicating cache to queues

      tail -f atlassian-jira.log | grep -E "Done replicating cache to queues: com\.atlassian\.jira\.issue\.fields\.screen\.issuetype\.DefaultIssueTypeScreenSchemeManager\.schemeCache|remote remove received for key" 
      Click Edit on Node 1
      Update to ASDF Scrum Default Screen Scheme on Node1....
      2020-11-24 03:23:39,515+0000 RMI TCP Connection(2047)- DEBUG      [n.s.ehcache.distribution.RMICachePeer] RMICachePeer for cache com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.screen.issuetype.DefaultIssueTypeScreenSchemeManager.schemeCache: remote remove received for key: 10000
      Refresh Node 1....
      Refresh Node 2....
      Result: Node 2 matches Node1
      Edit Node 2... 
      Set to Scrum bug screeen scheme on Node 2
      2020-11-24 03:25:45,077+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-9 TRACE admin 205x5058x1 tnooso /secure/admin/EditIssueTypeScreenSchemeEntity.jspa [c.a.j.c.distribution.localq.LocalQCacheReplicator] Done replicating cache to queues: com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.screen.issuetype.DefaultIssueTypeScreenSchemeManager.schemeCache, operation: REMOVE, key: 10001, numberOfQueues: 1, timeMillis: 5, stacktrace: java.lang.Throwable
      Refresh node 1
      Result = Node 1 shows incorrect "Scrum Default Screen Scheme". Node 2 shows correct Scrum Bug Screen Scheme

      SQL Log: Node 1

      At the first UPDATE occuring on Node 1, we can see the DB operation - UPDATE public.issuetypescreenschemeentity

      After the second UPDATE, occuring on Node 2, we don't see any SELECT operation to refresh the cache from issuetypescreenschemeentity

      tail -f atlassian-jira-sql.log | grep -i -P "(SELECT|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE)+.*(fieldscreenscheme|issuetypescreenschemeentity|IssueTypeScreenScheme)+" 
       Click Edit on Node 1
      2020-11-24 03:23:13,574+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-1 admin 203x6837x1 g8fvop /secure/admin/ViewEditIssueTypeScreenSchemeEntity.jspa 0ms "SELECT ID, NAME, DESCRIPTION FROM public.fieldscreenscheme ORDER BY NAME"
      Update to ASDF Scrum Default Screen Scheme on Node1....
      2020-11-24 03:23:39,505+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-8 admin 203x6873x1 g8fvop /secure/admin/EditIssueTypeScreenSchemeEntity.jspa 3ms "UPDATE public.issuetypescreenschemeentity SET ISSUETYPE='10102', SCHEME='10000', FIELDSCREENSCHEME='10000' WHERE ID='10101'"
      2020-11-24 03:23:39,534+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-1 admin 203x6874x1 g8fvop /secure/admin/ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme.jspa 1ms "SELECT NAME, DESCRIPTION FROM public.issuetypescreenscheme WHERE ID='10000'"
      2020-11-24 03:23:39,534+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-1 admin 203x6874x1 g8fvop /secure/admin/ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme.jspa 0ms "SELECT SOURCE_NODE_ID, SOURCE_NODE_ENTITY, SINK_NODE_ID, SINK_NODE_ENTITY, ASSOCIATION_TYPE, SEQUENCE FROM public.nodeassociation WHERE SOURCE_NODE_ENTITY='Project' AND SINK_NODE_ID='10000' AND SINK_NODE_ENTITY='IssueTypeScreenScheme' AND ASSOCIATION_TYPE='ProjectScheme'"
      2020-11-24 03:23:39,536+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-1 admin 203x6874x1 g8fvop /secure/admin/ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme.jspa 1ms "SELECT ID, ISSUETYPE, SCHEME, FIELDSCREENSCHEME FROM public.issuetypescreenschemeentity WHERE SCHEME='10000'"
      Refresh Node 1....
      2020-11-24 03:23:57,832+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-9 admin 203x6910x1 g8fvop /secure/admin/ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme.jspa 1ms "SELECT SOURCE_NODE_ID, SOURCE_NODE_ENTITY, SINK_NODE_ID, SINK_NODE_ENTITY, ASSOCIATION_TYPE, SEQUENCE FROM public.nodeassociation WHERE SOURCE_NODE_ENTITY='Project' AND SINK_NODE_ID='10000' AND SINK_NODE_ENTITY='IssueTypeScreenScheme' AND ASSOCIATION_TYPE='ProjectScheme'"
      Refresh Node 2....
      Result: Node 2 matches Node1
      Edit Node 2... 
      Set to Scrum bug screeen scheme on Node 2
      Refresh node 1
      2020-11-24 03:25:57,704+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-10 admin 205x6948x1 g8fvop /secure/admin/ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme.jspa 1ms "SELECT SOURCE_NODE_ID, SOURCE_NODE_ENTITY, SINK_NODE_ID, SINK_NODE_ENTITY, ASSOCIATION_TYPE, SEQUENCE FROM public.nodeassociation WHERE SOURCE_NODE_ENTITY='Project' AND SINK_NODE_ID='10000' AND SINK_NODE_ENTITY='IssueTypeScreenScheme' AND ASSOCIATION_TYPE='ProjectScheme'"
      Result = Node 1 shows incorrect "Scrum Default Screen Scheme". Node 2 shows correct Scrum Bug Screen Scheme

      SQL Log: Node 2

      After the first UPDATE occurred on Node 1, we refresh node 2, and see that it reads from the database - SELECT ID, ISSUETYPE, SCHEME, FIELDSCREENSCHEME FROM public.issuetypescreenschemeentity. This results in the Scheme displaying correcty
      At the second UPDATE occuring on Node 2, we can see the DB operation - UPDATE public.issuetypescreenschemeentity

      tail -f atlassian-jira-sql.log | grep -i -P "(SELECT|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE)+.*(fieldscreenscheme|issuetypescreenschemeentity|IssueTypeScreenScheme)+" 
      Click Edit on Node 1
      Update to ASDF Scrum Default Screen Scheme on Node1....
      Refresh Node 1....
      Refresh Node 2....
      2020-11-24 03:24:10,858+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-3 admin 204x4980x1 tnooso /secure/admin/ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme.jspa 1ms "SELECT NAME, DESCRIPTION FROM public.issuetypescreenscheme WHERE ID='10000'"
      2020-11-24 03:24:10,859+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-3 admin 204x4980x1 tnooso /secure/admin/ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme.jspa 1ms "SELECT SOURCE_NODE_ID, SOURCE_NODE_ENTITY, SINK_NODE_ID, SINK_NODE_ENTITY, ASSOCIATION_TYPE, SEQUENCE FROM public.nodeassociation WHERE SOURCE_NODE_ENTITY='Project' AND SINK_NODE_ID='10000' AND SINK_NODE_ENTITY='IssueTypeScreenScheme' AND ASSOCIATION_TYPE='ProjectScheme'"
      2020-11-24 03:24:10,861+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-3 admin 204x4980x1 tnooso /secure/admin/ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme.jspa 1ms "SELECT ID, ISSUETYPE, SCHEME, FIELDSCREENSCHEME FROM public.issuetypescreenschemeentity WHERE SCHEME='10000'"
      Result: Node 2 matches Node1
      Edit Node 2... 
      2020-11-24 03:25:28,385+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-10 admin 205x5021x1 tnooso /secure/admin/ViewEditIssueTypeScreenSchemeEntity.jspa 0ms "SELECT ID, NAME, DESCRIPTION FROM public.fieldscreenscheme ORDER BY NAME"
      Set to Scrum bug screeen scheme on Node 2
      2020-11-24 03:25:45,068+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-9 admin 205x5058x1 tnooso /secure/admin/EditIssueTypeScreenSchemeEntity.jspa 3ms "UPDATE public.issuetypescreenschemeentity SET ISSUETYPE='10102', SCHEME='10000', FIELDSCREENSCHEME='10001' WHERE ID='10101'"
      2020-11-24 03:25:45,084+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-1 admin 205x5059x1 tnooso /secure/admin/ConfigureIssueTypeScreenScheme.jspa 1ms "SELECT SOURCE_NODE_ID, SOURCE_NODE_ENTITY, SINK_NODE_ID, SINK_NODE_ENTITY, ASSOCIATION_TYPE, SEQUENCE FROM public.nodeassociation WHERE SOURCE_NODE_ENTITY='Project' AND SINK_NODE_ID='10000' AND SINK_NODE_ENTITY='IssueTypeScreenScheme' AND ASSOCIATION_TYPE='ProjectScheme'"
      Refresh node 1
      Result = Node 1 shows incorrect "Scrum Default Screen Scheme". Node 2 shows correct Scrum Bug Screen Scheme

      Note on Cache Invalidation

      If you wait without checking any of the ITS Screen Scheme pages for at least 30 minutes, and check again, the bad node will refresh it's value and display correctly. This may be due to the cache invalidation of 30 minute:


      schemeCache = cacheManager.getCache(getClass().getName() + ".schemeCache",
                      new CacheSettingsBuilder().expireAfterAccess(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build());


      A rolling restart of the affected nodes will resolve each instance of the cache not updating.

            [JRASERVER-71847] Issue Type Screen Scheme Cache does not reflect correctly on all node after being changed

            Matt Doar added a comment -

            We didn't

            Matt Doar added a comment - We didn't

            Matt, did you find some script to clear a cache without restart ?

            Gonchik Tsymzhitov added a comment - Matt, did you find some script to clear a cache without restart ?

            Daniel DeGregorio added a comment - - edited

            I was able to reproduce this error again:

            To Reproduce:

            • Log in to two Jira separate nodes for the same instance (one in a regular window and one in an incognito window or different browser) (One browser on Node A and one browser on Node B)
            • Choose an existing Project (Project "FOO") with an existing Issue Type Screen Scheme ("FOO ITSS").
            • Choose an issue type that is already used by the project. For example, Issue type "Story" in project "FOO"
            • Copy the screen used by the issue type naming it whatever you like. In this case "FOO New Story Screen"
            • Create a screen scheme setting the new screen as default. "FOO New Story Screen Scheme" setting "FOO New Story Screen" as the default
            • Update the Issue Type Screen Scheme to the new the Screen Scheme for the existing issue type at:
              • Jira Settings > Issue > Issue type screen schemes - Find your Issue Type Screen Scheme ("FOO ITSS") and click "Configure".
              • Select "Edit" for the issue type ("Story") and update the "Screen Scheme" to the newly create "Screen Scheme" ("FOO New Story Screen Scheme")
              • Click Update

            Note that at this point, on the node you made the change on, the new field appears on the issue type you changed. However, if you open the same issue on the other node, the field does not appear.
            Also note that the Project Settings > Screens does not reflect the change made either.

            I believe the most import part is that we are editing a live Issue Type Screen Scheme for an existing Issue Type. I think this change is what is not being updated on the other nodes.

            This change did not appear on the other node for at least 45 minutes. (I will edit this comment when I have a better time frame of when it updates)

            Daniel DeGregorio added a comment - - edited I was able to reproduce this error again: To Reproduce: Log in to two Jira separate nodes for the same instance (one in a regular window and one in an incognito window or different browser) (One browser on Node A and one browser on Node B) Choose an existing Project (Project "FOO") with an existing Issue Type Screen Scheme ("FOO ITSS"). Choose an issue type that is already used by the project. For example, Issue type "Story" in project "FOO" Copy the screen used by the issue type naming it whatever you like. In this case "FOO New Story Screen" Create a screen scheme setting the new screen as default. "FOO New Story Screen Scheme" setting "FOO New Story Screen" as the default Update the Issue Type Screen Scheme to the new the Screen Scheme for the existing issue type at: Jira Settings > Issue > Issue type screen schemes - Find your Issue Type Screen Scheme ("FOO ITSS") and click "Configure". Select "Edit" for the issue type ("Story") and update the "Screen Scheme" to the newly create "Screen Scheme" ("FOO New Story Screen Scheme") Click Update Note that at this point, on the node you made the change on, the new field appears on the issue type you changed. However, if you open the same issue on the other node, the field does not appear. Also note that the Project Settings > Screens does not reflect the change made either. I believe the most import part is that we are editing a live Issue Type Screen Scheme for an existing Issue Type. I think this change is what is not being updated on the other nodes. This change did not appear on the other node for at least 45 minutes. (I will edit this comment when I have a better time frame of when it updates)

            Matt Doar added a comment -

            Is it possible to use a groovy script to force the cache update without using a rolling restart?

            Matt Doar added a comment - Is it possible to use a groovy script to force the cache update without using a rolling restart?

            Matt Doar added a comment - - edited

            It happened to us today in Jira Data Center 8.5.4 even when the issue type screen scheme was edited from the list of issue type screen schemes, not via Project Settings.

            For us this was triggered by one admin making a change to one issue type screen scheme. No other admin was changing the issue type screen scheme at the time.

            Matt Doar added a comment - - edited It happened to us today in Jira Data Center 8.5.4 even when the issue type screen scheme was edited from the list of issue type screen schemes, not via Project Settings. For us this was triggered by one admin making a change to one issue type screen scheme. No other admin was changing the issue type screen scheme at the time.

            Matt Doar added a comment - - edited

            I think we avoid this happening by editing the ITSS (issue type screen scheme) from its own page, not via the Project Summary page

            Matt Doar added a comment - - edited I think we avoid this happening by editing the ITSS (issue type screen scheme) from its own page, not via the Project Summary page

            I think I just ran into this situation on our DC instance:

            1. On Node A, I added a new screen scheme to an existing issue type screen scheme
            2. On Node A, I then modified the screen scheme to remove some fields from it
            3. Going to the create issue screen on Node A is displayed as expected
            4. Node B's create issue screen displays as configured through step 1

            A rolling restart of the nodes seems to have corrected the issue for now.

            Matthew Reider added a comment - I think I just ran into this situation on our DC instance: On Node A, I added a new screen scheme to an existing issue type screen scheme On Node A, I then modified the screen scheme to remove some fields from it Going to the create issue screen on Node A is displayed as expected Node B's create issue screen displays as configured through step 1 A rolling restart of the nodes seems to have corrected the issue for now.

            Note that it's possible to make a sequential change on the one node and have it apply correctly on the others, if no other user accessed the ITSS page on a different node

            One potentially common trigger path is if admin A make a change on node A, then admin B revert the change on node B. Admin B's change will only display on the node that made the change - Admin A setting will persist on the other nodes

            Alex [Atlassian,PSE] added a comment - Note that it's possible to make a sequential change on the one node and have it apply correctly on the others, if no other user accessed the ITSS page on a different node One potentially common trigger path is if admin A make a change on node A, then admin B revert the change on node B. Admin B's change will only display on the node that made the change - Admin A setting will persist on the other nodes

            This problem is present on 7.13, and 8.13 branches. I tested with 7.13.18, and 8.13.1.

            Didn't attempt 7.6 because we don't publish docker for that, and it's out of support anyway.

            ➜ jiradc docker-compose up
            Pulling jiradc-node1 (atlassian/jira-software:7.6)...
            ERROR: manifest for atlassian/jira-software:7.6 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown 


            Alex [Atlassian,PSE] added a comment - This problem is present on 7.13, and 8.13 branches. I tested with 7.13.18, and 8.13.1. Didn't attempt 7.6 because we don't publish docker for that, and it's out of support anyway. ➜ jiradc docker-compose up Pulling jiradc-node1 (atlassian/jira-software:7.6)... ERROR: manifest for atlassian/jira-software:7.6 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown  

              keroglu Kurtcebe Eroglu
              allewellyn@atlassian.com Alex [Atlassian,PSE]
              Affected customers:
              6 This affects my team
              15 Start watching this issue
