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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-71749

Adding many project permissions at once overlaps with "Grant" button and the window is not scrollable


      Issue Summary

      Adding many project permissions at once overlaps with "Grant" button and the window is not scrollable.

      This can be reproduced when there are many permissions to be added at once, so the content will overlap with the "Grant" button.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Zoom the browser page to 125% or more
      2. Go to Jira settings > Issues > Permission schemes > Permissions > Grant permissions
      3. Add all the permissions from the list

      Expected Results

      When many permissions are added, the content in the opened window can be scrolled through:

      Actual Results

      The added permissions overlap with "Grant" button and the content is moved out of the window:


      Bulk add permissions in more batches, so that each set of permission does not hide the "Grant" button.


      • Not reproducible in earlier Jira 8.x versions (tested with 8.5.5)
      • Zooming out the browser page will make the "Grant" button visible, but the button will only take effect if found inside the pop-up window. With that said, admin must remove some permissions on the screen to force "Grant" button inside the pop-up window, and only then clicking on the button will work.

            292ec441c8da Szymon Korytnicki (Inactive)
            mfilipan Marko Filipan
            1 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
