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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-71732

Removing an Issue Type from an Issue Type Scheme when there exists archived issues of that type shows incorrect error


      Issue Summary

      When removing an Issue Type from an Issue Type Scheme, Jira will need to perform a migration task for all issues of that Issue Type in the Projects that use that Issue Type Scheme.

      As of Jira 8.0.0, it is possible to archive specific issues in a Data Center environment, per Archiving an issue, which prevents them from being searchable and edited.

      When an Issue Type is removed from an Issue Type Scheme, and there are archived issues of that Issue Type in a project that uses that Issue Type Scheme, the entire migration will fail, as archived issues cannot be edited, and thus cannot be migrated to a different issue type.

      However, the administrator will receive an unhelpful error that does not explain that the root cause of the migration failure is due to an archived issue, and instead receives the following message:

      You do not have the correct permissions to move the issues from project Software for issue type Bug

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. In any project, archive an issue. Note that issue's Issue Type.
      2. Attempt to remove that Issue Type from the Issue Type Scheme for the project

      Expected Results

      A clear error explaining that archived issues exist for the Issue Type being moved is shown.

      Actual Results

      The Administrator receives this error, suggesting that the problem relate to project permissions:

      You do not have the correct permissions to move the issues from project Software for issue type Bug


      Since there are no project permissions that can control someones ability to move only issues of specific issue types, if the administrator can verify that they have the ability to migrate other issue types and just not certain affected ones, then it is likely that archived issues are the culprit. They may then unarchive the issues in order to proceed.

            szarazinski Sławomir Zaraziński
            kliou Kevin Liou
            24 Vote for this issue
            28 Start watching this issue
