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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-71332

Batched email notifications format looks different when default language is set to French,German,Japanese in v8.10


      Issue Summary

      When the default language in the instance is set as French or German or Japanese, the batched email notifications looks different. The bug is not reproducible in older versions.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Set the default language in the instance as French (or German or Japanese)
      2. Set up outgoing email in your instance.
      3. Enable batched notifications.
      4. Make some updates in an issue which triggers batched notification.

      Expected Results

      The notification email should like 'There are 2 Updates' followed by the update

      Actual Results

      The email looks like 'There is' as in the below screenshot.


      Download and install Jira language pack with updated/fixed translation keys.

      Basically download language pack for Jira (in 8.14.0.v20200826125100 version - translations should be backwards compatible so 8.14 should work on lower versions) and install it via UPM.

      Basically https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/install-a-custom-language-pack-for-jira-server-295305642.html but without unpacking and updating translations. The lang pack to download should be named as "jira-core-language-pack-[lang]/8.14.0.v20200826125100/"

      Eg. to fix German language download proper "jira-core-language-pack" jar from https://packages.atlassian.com/maven/com/atlassian/translations/ eg. https://packages.atlassian.com/maven/com/atlassian/translations/jira-core-language-pack-de_DE/8.14.0.v20200826125100/ and install via UPM.


      Not reproducible in older Jira versions like 8.8.1, 8.7.1 or 8.4.2

            tkanafa Tomasz Kanafa
            sthottamkara@atlassian.com Sandhya Thottamkara
            5 Vote for this issue
            13 Start watching this issue
