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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-71091

Development Activity breaks Sprint indexes


      Issue Summary

      Performing development related activities such as creating commits, branches, pull requests will cause the related issue to disappear from the active sprint board.

      Please note that this behavior cannot be reproduced reliably and the steps to reproduce will need to be repeated several times. 

      As of 19.11.20 the bug is reproducible every time.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Start a sprint
      2. Create a new issue
      3. Add the issue to active sprint by editing sprint field on the issue
      4. Transition Issue
      5. Create a branch for issue via Jira
      6. Create a Pull request
      7. Transition Issue

      Steps to Reproduce 2

      1. Start a sprint
      2. Create issue
      3. Add issue to active sprint by editing sprint field on issue
      4. Transition issue
      5. Commit a new message with the issue key
      6. Check the sprint board

      Actual steps to reproduce

      1. Create a sprint
      2. Create an issue
      3. Commit a new message with the issue key on EVERY devstatus.applink:thread (either make sure with additional logging, or just do it multiple times with some time space between pushes). You have to make sure that the same thread will perform a commit before and after assigning the issue to a sprint.
      4. Assign the issue to the sprint
      5. Commit yet another message with the same issue key
      6. Check the sprint board

      Expected Results

      The issues should be visible on the active sprint board

      Actual Results

      Check the Sprint board - the issue disappears from the board

      1. In this example, we can see issue AH-3 is added to the Sprint field for AH Sprint 1 but we cannot see the issue on the active sprint board:

      2. Perform a project re-index and issue re-appears

      It is very hard to reproduce the issue reliably. After countless commits, we manage to reproduce the problem again ( AH-4 this time )

      As of 19.11.20 the issue can be reproduced reliably every time, as seen on the following screenshot: 

      Checking this SQL output, the database returns correctly which confirms the problem with the indexes :

      select cfv.issue as issueid, cfv.stringvalue as SprintNumber, ao."NAME" as SprintName, cf.cfname, p.pkey || '-' || jissue.IssueNum as IssueKey, cf.id As SprintCfid
      CustomFieldValue cfv,
      CustomField cf,
      jiraissue jissue,
      project p,
      "AO_60DB71_SPRINT" ao
      cf.Id = cfv.CustomField and
      jissue.id = cfv.issue and
      jissue.project = p.Id and
      cf.cfname='Sprint' and
      ao."NAME" like '%<SPRINT_NAME>%'


      Use the reindex rest API as a work around for the issues that are impacted: https://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/REST/8.9.0/#api/2/reindex-reindexIssues

              Unassigned Unassigned
              astephen@atlassian.com Adrian Stephen
              43 Vote for this issue
              34 Start watching this issue
