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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-70762

Configuration tool (config.sh) running on text mode doesn't specify a schema for SQL Server


      Issue Summary

      Running the utility <JIRA_INSTALL>/bin/config.sh -c in text mode will cause it to not ask for a schema name when selecting SQL Server. This will cause the file dbconfig.xml to be set without a schema, which is required in SQL Server.

      Other issues might arise from this situation, for example, failed upgrade tasks in Jira Service Desk.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install Jira.
      2. Run <JIRA_INSTALL>/bin/config.sh -c
      3. Select the following options:
        • [D] Database Selection
        • [S] SQL Server (MS-SQL)
      4. Enter the database details such as hostname, port, etc.

      Expected Results

      The utility will ask for the schema name and write this value accordingly on <JIRA_LOCAL_HOME>/dbconfig.xml.

      Actual Results

      Schema name is not requested, and the value <schema-name> won't be written to <JIRA_LOCAL_HOME>/dbconfig.xml:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <validation-query>select 1</validation-query>

      Here's a full shell session demonstrating the issue:

      ecrmac-101029:atlassian-jira-software-8.5.3-standalone vinicius.fontes$ bin/config.sh -c
      No JRE_HOME or JAVA_HOME environment variable is set - attempting to just run java command
      Loading application properties from /Users/vinicius.fontes/Documents/deployments/atlassian-jira-software-8.5.3-standalone/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/jira-application.properties
      jira-home not configured - no database settings can be loaded.
      JIRA Configurator v1.1
      --- Main Menu ---
        [H] Configure JIRA Home
        [D] Database Selection
        [W] Web Server (incl. HTTP/HTTPs configuration)
        [A] Advanced Settings
        [S] Save and Exit
        [X] Exit without Saving
      Main Menu> D
      --- Database Selection ---
        Database Type : H2
        Instance      : (unused)
        Connect As    : sa / (no password)
      * [H] H2 (not for production use)
        [M] MySQL 5.6
        [N] MySQL 5.7+
        [O] Oracle
        [P] PostgreSQL
        [A] Aurora PostgreSQL 9.6 (DC Only)
        [S] SQL Server (MS-SQL)
        [X] Return to Main Menu
      Database Selection [H]> s
      SQL Server Database Configuration.
      Hostname ()> localhost
      Port ()> 3341
      Database ()> jiradb
      Username ()> atlassian
      Password ()>
      Test Connection  ([Y]/N)? > n
      --- Database Selection ---
        Database Type : SQL Server
        Instance      : localhost:3341/jiradb
        Connect As    : atlassian / *****
        [H] H2 (not for production use)
        [M] MySQL 5.6
        [N] MySQL 5.7+
        [O] Oracle
        [P] PostgreSQL
        [A] Aurora PostgreSQL 9.6 (DC Only)
      * [S] SQL Server (MS-SQL)
        [X] Return to Main Menu
      Database Selection [S]> x
      --- Main Menu ---
        [H] Configure JIRA Home
        [D] Database Selection
        [W] Web Server (incl. HTTP/HTTPs configuration)
        [A] Advanced Settings
        [S] Save and Exit
        [X] Exit without Saving
      Main Menu> s
      *** Please set a value for jira-home.
      --- Main Menu ---
        [H] Configure JIRA Home
        [D] Database Selection
        [W] Web Server (incl. HTTP/HTTPs configuration)
        [A] Advanced Settings
        [S] Save and Exit
        [X] Exit without Saving
      Main Menu> H
      Current JIRA Home:
      New JIRA Home> /Users/vinicius.fontes/Documents/deployments/atlassian-jira-software-8.5.3-standalone/jira-home
      --- Main Menu ---
        [H] Configure JIRA Home
        [D] Database Selection
        [W] Web Server (incl. HTTP/HTTPs configuration)
        [A] Advanced Settings
        [S] Save and Exit
        [X] Exit without Saving
      Main Menu> s
      Storing database configuration in /Users/vinicius.fontes/Documents/deployments/atlassian-jira-software-8.5.3-standalone/jira-home/dbconfig.xml
      Settings saved successfully.
      ecrmac-101029:atlassian-jira-software-8.5.3-standalone vinicius.fontes$ cat jira-home/dbconfig.xml
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <validation-query>select 1</validation-query>

      This in turn can cause some Jira Service Desk upgrade tasks to fail, such as those below:

      2020-03-11 08:37:42,152-0400 localhost-startStop-1 ERROR      [c.a.s.bootstrap.upgrade.SyncUpgradeTaskServiceImpl] Upgrade task: SyncUpgradeTaskMigrateAgentPermission failed (exception message: Caught SQLServerException for select count(*) from "null"."AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD" "AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD" where "AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD"."UPGRADE_TASK_NAME" = ? and "AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD"."ACTION" = ?)
      com.querydsl.core.QueryException: Caught SQLServerException for select count(*) from "null"."AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD" "AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD" where "AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD"."UPGRADE_TASK_NAME" = ? and "AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD"."ACTION" = ?
          at com.querydsl.sql.DefaultSQLExceptionTranslator.translate(DefaultSQLExceptionTranslator.java:50)
          at com.querydsl.sql.Configuration.translate(Configuration.java:459)
          at com.querydsl.sql.AbstractSQLQuery.unsafeCount(AbstractSQLQuery.java:627)
          at com.querydsl.sql.AbstractSQLQuery.fetchCount(AbstractSQLQuery.java:132)
          at com.atlassian.servicedesk.internal.upgrade.AsyncUpgradeTaskRecordQStoreImpl.lambda$hasTaskCompleted$1(AsyncUpgradeTaskRecordQStoreImpl.java:70)
          at com.atlassian.pocketknife.internal.querydsl.DatabaseAccessorImpl.lambda$execute$0(DatabaseAccessorImpl.java:69)
          at com.atlassian.sal.core.rdbms.DefaultTransactionalExecutor.executeInternal(DefaultTransactionalExecutor.java:87)
          at com.atlassian.sal.core.rdbms.DefaultTransactionalExecutor.lambda$execute$0(DefaultTransactionalExecutor.java:43)
          at com.atlassian.jira.database.DatabaseAccessorImpl.runInManagedTransaction(DatabaseAccessorImpl.java:131)
      Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Invalid object name 'null.AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD'.
      2020-03-11 08:38:33,506-0400 Caesium-1-4 ERROR ServiceRunner     [c.a.upgrade.core.DefaultUpgradeTaskFactoryProcessor] Upgrade task [com.atlassian.servicedesk,buildNumber=1] failed
      com.querydsl.core.QueryException: Caught SQLServerException for select count(*) from "null"."AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD" "AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD" where "AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD"."UPGRADE_TASK_NAME" = ? and "AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD"."ACTION" = ?
          at com.querydsl.sql.DefaultSQLExceptionTranslator.translate(DefaultSQLExceptionTranslator.java:50)
          at com.querydsl.sql.Configuration.translate(Configuration.java:459)
          at com.querydsl.sql.AbstractSQLQuery.unsafeCount(AbstractSQLQuery.java:627)
          at com.querydsl.sql.AbstractSQLQuery.fetchCount(AbstractSQLQuery.java:132)
          at com.atlassian.servicedesk.internal.upgrade.AsyncUpgradeTaskRecordQStoreImpl.lambda$hasTaskCompleted$1(AsyncUpgradeTaskRecordQStoreImpl.java:70)
          at com.atlassian.pocketknife.internal.querydsl.DatabaseAccessorImpl.lambda$execute$0(DatabaseAccessorImpl.java:69)
          at com.atlassian.sal.core.rdbms.DefaultTransactionalExecutor.executeInternal(DefaultTransactionalExecutor.java:87)
          at com.atlassian.sal.core.rdbms.DefaultTransactionalExecutor.lambda$execute$0(DefaultTransactionalExecutor.java:43)
          at com.atlassian.jira.database.DatabaseAccessorImpl.runInManagedTransaction(DatabaseAccessorImpl.java:131)
      Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Invalid object name 'null.AO_54307E_ASYNCUPGRADERECORD'.


      • Use the visual mode. This requires a GUI (X11, macOS, etc), and can be done by running config.sh without the parameter -c.
      • Manually add the parameter <schema-name>, following the example below:
          <validation-query>select 1</validation-query>

        More information about connecting Jira to supported databases is available at the KB article Connecting Jira applications to a database.

            mrydzewski Mikolaj Rydzewski (Inactive)
            vfontes Vinicius Fontes
            1 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
