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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-70132

Plan your Upgrade tool not working because of a private IP in PUDS URL


      Issue Summary

      The Plan your Upgrade tool is not updating the latest versions available. Therefore, users are not able to use it.


      • Jira Server running versions below 8.4.2

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Go to Cog > Applications > Plan your upgrade

      Expected Results

      Jira will show all available upgrades to your system

      Actual Results

      Jira is not showing the latest versions available

      The system is trying to reach the URL puds.prod.atl-paas.net but this URL resolves to a local IP address inside a private IP range CIDR (, therefore it won't work for networks outside of Atlassian's own.


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rbaldasso Rodrigo Baldasso
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