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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-70077

Jira Data Center AWS CloudFormation templates creates a database with an unsupported collation



      Jira Data Center AWS template creates a database with the unsupported collation en_US.utf-8. This collation is not supported by Jira, as stated in the KB article Connecting Jira applications to PostgreSQL.


      • AWS CloudFormation deployment using the Atlassian-provided templates.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Deploy a Jira Data Center cluster in AWS following the instructions in https://aws.amazon.com/quickstart/architecture/jira/.

      Expected Results

      The database is created using a supported collation.

      Actual Results

      The database collation used is en_US.utf-8, which is not supported by Jira. The Collation health check shows a warning:

      Name: Collation
      Is healthy: true
      Failure reason: The database collation 'en_US.UTF-8' is unsupported by JIRA. The Table collation 'DEFAULT' is supported by JIRA.  A limited number of circumstances could cause unexpected results.
      Severity: UNDEFINED

      There's a bug report for the Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools plugin showing just a warning instead of reporting a non-healthy status, available at https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/ATST-790.


      Customize the template to include the following parameters:

      - "ATL_JDBC_CTYPE=C"
      - "ATL_JDBC_TEMPLATE=template0"


      Nodes added to the cluster will fail to install and run Jira if the database collation is changed to a supported one. This is being tracked at JRASERVER-70078.

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