Resolution: Fixed
Medium (View bug fix roadmap)
7.6.9, 8.2.1
Severity 2 - Major
The /rest/api/1.0/render resource in Jira before version 8.4.0 allows remote anonymous attackers to determine if an attachment with a specific name exists and if an issue key is valid via a missing permissions check.
- is related to
JRASERVER-72249 Username Enumeration through the render api resource - CVE-2020-36238
- Published
- mentioned in
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- relates to
RAID-1564 Loading...
Disclosure of issue key validity & issue attachment names in the render api resource - CVE-2019-14995
Resolution: Fixed
7.6.9, 8.2.1
Severity 2 - Major
The /rest/api/1.0/render resource in Jira before version 8.4.0 allows remote anonymous attackers to determine if an attachment with a specific name exists and if an issue key is valid via a missing permissions check.
- is related to
JRASERVER-72249 Username Enumeration through the render api resource - CVE-2020-36238
- Published
- mentioned in
Page Loading...
- relates to
RAID-1564 Loading...