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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-69685

Atlassian Troubleshooting & Support Tools (ATST) will display misleading message in German for Supported Database


      Issue Summary

      When using the Instance Health Checks (ATST) in German System Language, looking at the "Supported Database" section, it will state that the database used is not supported (Das Modell und die Version Ihrer Datenbank werden nicht unterstützt), despite the green checkmark. However, should the System language is changed to English, the message states that the database is supported. This causes misleading messages.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Ensure that ATST installed is version 1.18 or higher
      2. Ensure that the database used supported
      3. Change the System language to German
      4. Go to Administration > System > Troubleshooting and Support Tools > Instance Health Checks
      5. Check under Supported Platforms > Supported Database

      Expected Results

      The message should state that the database is supported.

      Actual Results

      The message states that the database is not supported. This will still persist even if the User Profile Language is set to English.



              Unassigned Unassigned
              imazuki Irfan Mazli Mazuki (Inactive)
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