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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-69532

CVE-2019-11581 - Template injection in various resources


      There was a server-side template injection vulnerability in Jira Server and Data Center, in the ContactAdministrators and the SendBulkMail actions. For this issue to be exploitable at least one of the following conditions must be met:

      • an SMTP server has been configured in Jira and the Contact Administrators Form is enabled; or
      • an SMTP server has been configured in Jira and an attacker has "JIRA Administrators" access.

      In the first case, where the Contact Administrators Form is enabled, attackers are able to exploit this issue without authentication. In the second case, attackers with "JIRA Administrators" access can exploit this issue. In either case, successful exploitation of this issue allows an attacker to remotely execute code on systems that run a vulnerable version of Jira Server or Data Center.

      Affected versions:

      • All versions of Jira Server and Data Center from 4.4.0 before 7.6.14, from 7.7.0 before 7.13.5, from 8.0.0 before 8.0.3, from 8.1.0 before 8.1.2, and from 8.2.0 before 8.2.3 are affected by this vulnerability.

      We have released the following versions of Jira Server & Jira Data Center to address this issue:


      For additional details, see the full advisory.

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