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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-6896

Add ability to create sub-task via soap


      I would be interested in a method for creating SubTask Issues. Attempting to use createIssue fails saying invalid issue type. Sub-Tasks need to have 'parent' issue. A method could be just like createIssue except you would have to specify a parent issue key to setup a hierarchy. Something like this would be useful

      createSubTask( token, Parent_issueKey, newSubTask )

      (which could return a remoteIssue like createIssue does) It would have to check that the Parent_issueKey is not a sub-Task already (I don't think sub-sub-tasks is allowed). This method would be a useful feature.

        1. atlassian-jira-rpc-plugin-3.10.2-1-subtask.jar
          127 kB
          Peter Brandström
        2. atlassian-jira-rpc-plugin-3.13.5-1.jar
          138 kB
          Mike Hu
        3. atlassian-jira-rpc-plugin-4.1.2-1.jar
          138 kB
          Attila Goz
        4. atlassian-jira-rpc-plugin-4.1.2-1.jar
          138 kB
          Attila Goz
        5. atlassian-jira-rpc-plugin-4.1.2-1.jar
          136 kB
          Deleted Account
        6. create_subtask_in_3.10.2.diff
          9 kB
          Peter Brandström
        7. create_subtask_in_3.8.diff
          6 kB
        8. extend_jira_soap_rpc_subtasks_jira4.pdf
          148 kB
          Marcel Bender
        9. extend_jira_soap_rpc_subtasks_jira4.zip
          9 kB
          Marcel Bender
        10. jira-xmlrpc.subtasks.4.1.2.patch.1.txt
          13 kB
          Deleted Account
        11. rpc_subtasks_patch.txt
          8 kB
        12. rpc-jira-plugin.fixed-for-4.1.2.zip
          742 kB
          Attila Goz
        13. subtask.py
          1 kB
          Peter Brandström

              rsmart metapoint
              0a0067cf6090 Sebastian J
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