Resolution: Unresolved
Jira does not provide an API for rendering/querying the state of its internal gadgets. This could be useful for e.g. other products and plugin developers who would like to embed them within their apps. Currently, the only way to obtain info about these gadgets is to use Jira's internal API which hasn't been designed with this use case in mind. This may lead to issues such as https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFSERVER-41311.
Title: The Two Dimensional Filter Statistics Gadget REST api renders links using the request URL, rather than the configured base URL
Steps to Reproduce
- Setup JIRA behind a reverse proxy, with an alternative access port
- Assume that http://localhost:8080/jira is the unproxied URL
- Assume that http://localhost/jira is the proxied address
- The base URL is set to the unproxied URL until after the application link is created
- Setup Confluence
- Create an application link to localhost:8080/jira
- Change JIRA's base URL to the proxied address
- In the application link configuration, change JIRA's display URL to the proxied address
- Communication will go from Confluence to JIRA over the unproxied port, but user facing links will use the display URL for hyperlinks.
- Insert a Two Dimensional Macro Chart Macro in Confluence
Expected Results
The links in the chart link to the proxied address
Actual Results
The links in the chart use the application URL instead. If that port is not accessible to users, this may result in links failing, or if the DNS does not resolve.
This bug is the result of a problem in Jira's gadget REST api (http://hostname:1990/rest/gadget/1.0/twodimensionalfilterstats/generate?filterId=jql-), which incorrectly uses the request url as the base for links in the results, rather than Jira's configured baseUrl.
This means that any applicationLink requests made to this REST api would have the results rendered using the applicationLink's baseUrl, rather than the configured displayUrl.
The two dimensional charts macro can't fix this problem. Instead, this bug has to be fixed inside Jira's gadget REST api. Either make the links in the twodimentionalfilterstats rest api a relative link, or use the configured baseUrl as the base for the (absolute) links.
- causes
CONFSERVER-34608 JIRA Macros return Application URL instead of Display URL
- Closed
CONFSERVER-38930 Some JIRA gadgets Do not Respect the Display URL
- Gathering Impact
- is cloned from
CONFSERVER-41311 The Two Dimensional JIRA Chart Gadget uses the Application URL instead of the Display URL
- Gathering Impact
- relates to
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