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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-68465

Please allow special character creation (e.g. ⚠️) also in summary line / cards



    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.


      In description field special characters can be created esily and effectively by combination of ASCII characters.

      A very useful special character ("emoticon") is the yellow warning triangle, which can be created, inserting parenthesis+!+paranthesis, like

      This sign could be effectively used to mark tasks within a "Task Board" as "critical" or "escalated" if it could also be created within the subject line of a ticket.

      Unfortunately this shortcut only creates a  if used within the "Description" field (see number 1 in added screenshots), but does not create a warning tiangle if used within the "Summary" field (see number 2 in added screenshots).

      Consequently you cannot tag that way a task within a card (e.g. on a Jira task board), as it only would show up like number 3 in added screenshots.

      We believe that Atlassian could increase the value of Jira very effectively and yet with low effort if creation of a yeellow warning triangle would also be enebled within Subject line !

      Suggested Change Request:

      • Enable creation of yellow warning triangle also within Subject line of Jira ticket !


      JOPSCLOUD-128 seems to request a similar (the same ?) change, which would add significant benefit to Jira while only requiring almost negligable effort by Atlassian.


        1. image-2018-11-19-16-26-55-364.png
          27 kB
          Gerhard Landauf
        2. image-2018-11-19-16-21-56-029.png
          51 kB
          Gerhard Landauf



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            ea9695ec8188 Gerhard Landauf
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