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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-66428

JIRA health-check reports Lucene error while index is healthy



      JIRA health-check UI pop-up reports Lucene error while index is healthy. This is false positive.
      Possible reason: scheduled health-check which at some point in time failed is still believe there is an inconsistency.

      Steps to Reproduce

      This is one of ways to expose the problem

      1. Stop JIRA
      2. Delete JIRA index
      3. Start JIRA
      4. Navigate to JIRA as a admin and observe the Lucene health-check warning
      5. Run Full reindex after some delay
      6. Navigate to JIRA as a admin again

      Expected Results

      Health-check doesn't show warning.

      Actual Results

      • Health-check shows warning: The Lucene health check has failed in your system.
      • If you go to* Support Tools* > Instance health checks, it shows OK
        • Success - Lucene
          The check of the database and the index is ok. The database had 10,051 issues with the most recent update at 12/4/17 10:28 AM and the index had 10,051 issues with the most recent update at 12/4/17 10:28 AM.


      Data from AO_88263F_HEALTH_CHECK_STATUS table:

      select * from "AO_88263F_HEALTH_CHECK_STATUS";
       APPLICATION_NAME |                                COMPLETE_KEY                                 |                              DESCRIPTION                              |       FAILED_DATE       |                                                   FAILURE_REASON                                                    | ID | IS_HEALTHY | IS_RESOLVED |      RESOLVED_DATE      | SEVERITY | STATUS_NAME
       JIRA             | com.atlassian.jira.plugins.jira-healthcheck-plugin:luceneSupportHealthCheck | Checks the state of the search index is consistent with the database. | 2017-12-04 10:40:38.676 | The issue index is inconsistent with the database state. Database has (10,051) issues but the index has (0) issues. | 19 | t          | t           | 2017-12-04 10:41:48.579 | MAJOR    | Lucene
       JIRA             | com.atlassian.jira.plugins.jira-healthcheck-plugin:luceneSupportHealthCheck | Checks the state of the search index is consistent with the database. | 2017-12-04 10:41:49.109 | The issue index is inconsistent with the database state. Database has (10,051) issues but the index has (0) issues. | 20 | t          | t           | 2017-12-04 11:48:40.989 | MAJOR    | Lucene


      Double check the Lucene status, if it's ok, you can safely ignore the error.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ayakovlev@atlassian.com Andriy Yakovlev [Atlassian]
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