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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-66340

Extend the "Integrity Checker" for checking issue=NULL in customfieldvalue


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    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      Hi all,

      I had recently to use project import and during the import from ZIP file I experienced the following error.

      There was a problem parsing the backup XML file at /var/atlassian*....zip. No 'issue' field for CustomFieldValue 'xxxxx'.

      I managed to edit entries.xml in the ZIP and remove node CustomFieldValue which had not attribue issue. Actually there were two instances - the import failed on the first one. After save and zipping, import accepted the new ZIP file and my data were restored.

      My queestion is why the "Integrity Checker" doesn't cover such cases? I personally see it as a pretty severe inconsistency. I was lucky that this happen on non Production instance, where is by the way such invalid record too. I am planning to remove it on prod by executing

      DELETE FROM customfieldvalue WHERE issue IS NULL;

      It would be really great if you can add the solution I took (unzip, XML edit, save) to your Confluence to help others, of course it's valid and OK .

      Optimally add such check to the "Integrity Checker" and let administrators fix it from the UI.

      Thank you,

      PS: This doesn't change the fact that JIRA is the best tracking tool I worked with! Good job!

            Unassigned Unassigned
            509985f36ba7 Jaroslav Lhoták
            14 Vote for this issue
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