Hi ds.labs2015
Please let me help you with your question:
are versions less than 7.2.0 also affected like, 5.0.2 & 6.4.14?
We don't support those versions anymore, so we didn't do formal check.
That being said, I did some extra investigation. Based on the description from bug - OAUTH-286
affected version atlassian-oauth-service-provider-plugin-x.y.z.jar starts from 1.3.0
Jira 6.4.14 is shipped with atlassian-oauth-service-provider-plugin-1.9.8.jar, so that means it's affected.
For other versions, you can run check yourself to verify if it's affected.
Hope this answers your question.
Atlassian support confirmed to me that 2.0.4 can be installed at least as far back as Jira 6.2.5.Scratch that, installing on 6.2.5 causes the plugin to fail to load and the Jira restart locks Jira completely because the OAuth Service Provider is a required plugin.