Resolution: Unresolved
Currently the default sort option in the all Issues view is set to Order by Priority. This default cannot be changed.
Please note that the project issues view problem was tracked in: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRASERVER-45250
- relates to
JRACLOUD-87404 Ability to change default sort option on the Issues page
- Gathering Interest
HL-2162 You do not have permission to view this issue
- mentioned in
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Hello Team,
Thank you for your valuable feedback regarding this suggestion. We truly appreciate your engagement.
We are excited to announce that starting with 10.2, we have introduced the option to save a default sorting method for project issues.
As a project admin, you now have the ability to select and set the default sort option for the issues in each project. Here's how to change the issue order:
1. Ensure you have project admin permissions and navigate to your project settings.
2. Click on Project Settings, then select Details.
3. Under Preferences, go to Issue Order and choose your preferred sorting method.
If you wish to revert to Jira's default issue sorting (by priority and last update), simply select Not Set.
For further information, please refer to the 10.2 release notes here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftware/jira-software-10-2-x-release-notes-1455425728.html
While we understand that this ticket mentions the concept of 'all issues,' we have decided not to implement changes in this area at this time. Please note that the project issues view problem was tracked in: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRASERVER-45250
Thank you,
Piotr Kopecki