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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-65118

401Client must be authenticated to access this resource error when checking Confluence Task on JIRA Dashboard



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Low
    • None
    • 7.3.2, 7.3.3, 7.9.2, 7.8.4, 7.13.1
    • Application Links
    • None



      When checking a Confluence task from the JIRA Dashboard, it will display an error:

       401Client must be authenticated to access this resource. 


      (Optional - If Applicable)

      • JIRA and Confluence should be application linked together using OAuth with or without impersonations. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Have a JIRA and Confluence instance that are linked to each other with "Application Links" -> Oath with impersonation
      2. Create some Confluence tasks that are assigned to you with the
      3. Create an overview of these tasks by creating a new confluence page and adding the macro "Task Report" (Called "My task overview" for reference here). Configure this report to only show tasks that are assigned to you. Note that this report displays the correct issues
      4. Create a JIRA dashboard and add the gadget "Confluence Page Gadget" . Try to add the space where you created the "My task overview" page -> a screen pops up (login and approve) to ask for permission to create the linking (Oath Acces token). After that search and find and add the space and page "My Task overview"
      5. The gadget loads -> the tasks are displayed like they are on the Confluence page
      6. Try to check a task for completion -> an error appears "401Client must be authenticated to access this resource." with a progress bar that keeps loading

      Expected Results

      The task should be checked off

      Actual Results

      1. An error appears "401Client must be authenticated to access this resource" with a progress bar that keeps loading
      2. Refresh the JIRA dashboard page -> the gadget shows the confluence page as before, no tasks are checked off.



      The console shows the following reponse:

       throw 1; < don't be evil' >\{"http://localhost:8092/rest/inlinetasks/1/task/2850818/7/?cacheBuster=1492604819757":\{"rc":401,"headers":\{"x-seraph-trusted-app-status":["ERROR"]},"body":"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><status><status-code>401<\/status-code><message>Client must be authenticated to access this resource.<\/message><\/status>"}} 


      Check the tasks directly on Confluence


        1. image-2017-04-19-20-23-10-376.png
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          Adrian Stephen
        2. image-2017-04-19-20-25-27-441.png
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          Adrian Stephen
        3. image-2017-04-19-20-35-25-843.png
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          Adrian Stephen
        4. image-2018-04-06-16-16-00-645.png
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        5. image-2018-04-06-16-16-08-584.png
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            Unassigned Unassigned
            astephen@atlassian.com Adrian Stephen
            56 Vote for this issue
            52 Start watching this issue

